fixes UCX_FOREACH documentation

Tue, 23 Aug 2016 12:41:04 +0200

Mike Becker <>
Tue, 23 Aug 2016 12:41:04 +0200
changeset 220
parent 219
child 221

fixes UCX_FOREACH documentation

ucx/list.h file | annotate | diff | comparison | revisions
--- a/ucx/list.h	Fri Mar 11 18:06:27 2016 +0100
+++ b/ucx/list.h	Tue Aug 23 12:41:04 2016 +0200
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
  * Loop statement for UCX lists.
- * The first argument is a pointer to the list. In most cases this will be the
+ * The first argument is the name of the iteration variable. The scope of
+ * this variable is limited to the <code>UCX_FOREACH</code> statement.
+ * 
+ * The second argument is a pointer to the list. In most cases this will be the
  * pointer to the first element of the list, but it may also be an arbitrary
  * element of the list. The iteration will then start with that element.
- * The second argument is the name of the iteration variable. The scope of
- * this variable is limited to the <code>UCX_FOREACH</code> statement.
- * 
  * @param list The first element of the list
  * @param elem The variable name of the element
