universe@606: /* universe@606: * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. universe@606: * universe@606: * Copyright 2021 Mike Becker, Olaf Wintermann All rights reserved. universe@606: * universe@606: * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without universe@606: * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: universe@606: * universe@606: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright universe@606: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. universe@606: * universe@606: * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright universe@606: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the universe@606: * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. universe@606: * universe@606: * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" universe@606: * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE universe@606: * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE universe@606: * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE universe@606: * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR universe@606: * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF universe@606: * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS universe@606: * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN universe@606: * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) universe@606: * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE universe@606: * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. universe@606: */ universe@606: universe@606: #include "cx/array_list.h" universe@763: #include "cx/compare.h" universe@610: #include universe@610: #include universe@606: universe@817: // Default array reallocator universe@817: universe@817: static void *cx_array_default_realloc( universe@817: void *array, universe@817: size_t capacity, universe@817: size_t elem_size, universe@817: __attribute__((__unused__)) struct cx_array_reallocator_s *alloc universe@817: ) { universe@817: return realloc(array, capacity * elem_size); universe@817: } universe@817: universe@818: struct cx_array_reallocator_s cx_array_default_reallocator_impl = { universe@817: cx_array_default_realloc, NULL, NULL, 0, 0 universe@817: }; universe@817: universe@818: struct cx_array_reallocator_s *cx_array_default_reallocator = &cx_array_default_reallocator_impl; universe@818: universe@628: // LOW LEVEL ARRAY LIST FUNCTIONS universe@607: universe@819: enum cx_array_result cx_array_copy( universe@610: void **target, universe@610: size_t *size, universe@610: size_t *capacity, universe@610: size_t index, universe@610: void const *src, universe@610: size_t elem_size, universe@610: size_t elem_count, universe@610: struct cx_array_reallocator_s *reallocator universe@610: ) { universe@628: // assert pointers universe@610: assert(target != NULL); universe@610: assert(size != NULL); universe@610: assert(src != NULL); universe@607: universe@628: // determine capacity universe@610: size_t cap = capacity == NULL ? *size : *capacity; universe@610: universe@628: // check if resize is required universe@627: size_t minsize = index + elem_count; universe@627: size_t newsize = *size < minsize ? minsize : *size; universe@610: bool needrealloc = newsize > cap; universe@610: universe@628: // reallocate if possible universe@610: if (needrealloc) { universe@628: // a reallocator and a capacity variable must be available universe@610: if (reallocator == NULL || capacity == NULL) { universe@819: return CX_ARRAY_REALLOC_NOT_SUPPORTED; universe@610: } universe@610: universe@628: // check, if we need to repair the src pointer universe@611: uintptr_t targetaddr = (uintptr_t) *target; universe@611: uintptr_t srcaddr = (uintptr_t) src; universe@611: bool repairsrc = targetaddr <= srcaddr universe@611: && srcaddr < targetaddr + cap * elem_size; universe@611: universe@628: // calculate new capacity (next number divisible by 16) universe@625: cap = newsize - (newsize % 16) + 16; universe@625: assert(cap > newsize); universe@610: universe@628: // perform reallocation universe@610: void *newmem = reallocator->realloc( universe@610: *target, cap, elem_size, reallocator universe@610: ); universe@610: if (newmem == NULL) { universe@819: return CX_ARRAY_REALLOC_FAILED; universe@610: } universe@610: universe@628: // repair src pointer, if necessary universe@611: if (repairsrc) { universe@611: src = ((char *) newmem) + (srcaddr - targetaddr); universe@611: } universe@611: universe@628: // store new pointer and capacity universe@610: *target = newmem; universe@610: *capacity = cap; universe@610: } universe@610: universe@628: // determine target pointer universe@610: char *start = *target; universe@610: start += index * elem_size; universe@610: universe@628: // copy elements and set new size universe@611: memmove(start, src, elem_count * elem_size); universe@610: *size = newsize; universe@610: universe@628: // return successfully universe@819: return CX_ARRAY_SUCCESS; universe@610: } universe@607: universe@643: #ifndef CX_ARRAY_SWAP_SBO_SIZE universe@735: #define CX_ARRAY_SWAP_SBO_SIZE 128 universe@643: #endif universe@807: unsigned cx_array_swap_sbo_size = CX_ARRAY_SWAP_SBO_SIZE; universe@804: universe@623: void cx_array_swap( universe@623: void *arr, universe@623: size_t elem_size, universe@623: size_t idx1, universe@623: size_t idx2 universe@623: ) { universe@660: assert(arr != NULL); universe@660: universe@628: // short circuit universe@623: if (idx1 == idx2) return; universe@623: universe@623: char sbo_mem[CX_ARRAY_SWAP_SBO_SIZE]; universe@623: void *tmp; universe@623: universe@628: // decide if we can use the local buffer universe@807: if (elem_size > CX_ARRAY_SWAP_SBO_SIZE) { universe@623: tmp = malloc(elem_size); universe@628: // we don't want to enforce error handling universe@623: if (tmp == NULL) abort(); universe@623: } else { universe@623: tmp = sbo_mem; universe@623: } universe@623: universe@628: // calculate memory locations universe@623: char *left = arr, *right = arr; universe@623: left += idx1 * elem_size; universe@623: right += idx2 * elem_size; universe@623: universe@628: // three-way swap universe@623: memcpy(tmp, left, elem_size); universe@623: memcpy(left, right, elem_size); universe@623: memcpy(right, tmp, elem_size); universe@623: universe@628: // free dynamic memory, if it was needed universe@623: if (tmp != sbo_mem) { universe@623: free(tmp); universe@623: } universe@623: } universe@623: universe@628: // HIGH LEVEL ARRAY LIST FUNCTIONS universe@607: universe@607: typedef struct { universe@607: struct cx_list_s base; universe@607: void *data; universe@677: size_t capacity; universe@610: struct cx_array_reallocator_s reallocator; universe@607: } cx_array_list; universe@607: universe@610: static void *cx_arl_realloc( universe@610: void *array, universe@610: size_t capacity, universe@610: size_t elem_size, universe@610: struct cx_array_reallocator_s *alloc universe@610: ) { universe@628: // retrieve the pointer to the list allocator universe@610: CxAllocator const *al = alloc->ptr1; universe@610: universe@628: // use the list allocator to reallocate the memory universe@610: return cxRealloc(al, array, capacity * elem_size); universe@610: } universe@610: universe@607: static void cx_arl_destructor(struct cx_list_s *list) { universe@610: cx_array_list *arl = (cx_array_list *) list; universe@708: universe@708: char *ptr = arl->data; universe@708: universe@708: if (list->simple_destructor) { universe@708: for (size_t i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { universe@708: cx_invoke_simple_destructor(list, ptr); universe@708: ptr += list->item_size; universe@708: } universe@708: } universe@708: if (list->advanced_destructor) { universe@708: for (size_t i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { universe@708: cx_invoke_advanced_destructor(list, ptr); universe@708: ptr += list->item_size; universe@708: } universe@708: } universe@708: universe@607: cxFree(list->allocator, arl->data); universe@708: cxFree(list->allocator, list); universe@607: } universe@607: universe@638: static size_t cx_arl_insert_array( universe@629: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@638: size_t index, universe@629: void const *array, universe@629: size_t n universe@629: ) { universe@638: // out of bounds and special case check universe@638: if (index > list->size || n == 0) return 0; universe@638: universe@638: // get a correctly typed pointer to the list universe@629: cx_array_list *arl = (cx_array_list *) list; universe@638: universe@638: // do we need to move some elements? universe@638: if (index < list->size) { universe@638: char const *first_to_move = (char const *) arl->data; universe@677: first_to_move += index * list->item_size; universe@638: size_t elems_to_move = list->size - index; universe@638: size_t start_of_moved = index + n; universe@638: universe@819: if (CX_ARRAY_SUCCESS != cx_array_copy( universe@638: &arl->data, universe@638: &list->size, universe@677: &arl->capacity, universe@638: start_of_moved, universe@638: first_to_move, universe@677: list->item_size, universe@638: elems_to_move, universe@638: &arl->reallocator universe@638: )) { universe@638: // if moving existing elems is unsuccessful, abort universe@638: return 0; universe@638: } universe@638: } universe@638: universe@638: // note that if we had to move the elements, the following operation universe@638: // is guaranteed to succeed, because we have the memory already allocated universe@638: // therefore, it is impossible to leave this function with an invalid array universe@638: universe@638: // place the new elements universe@819: if (CX_ARRAY_SUCCESS == cx_array_copy( universe@629: &arl->data, universe@629: &list->size, universe@677: &arl->capacity, universe@638: index, universe@629: array, universe@677: list->item_size, universe@629: n, universe@629: &arl->reallocator universe@629: )) { universe@629: return n; universe@629: } else { universe@629: // array list implementation is "all or nothing" universe@629: return 0; universe@629: } universe@629: } universe@629: universe@641: static int cx_arl_insert_element( universe@641: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@641: size_t index, universe@641: void const *element universe@641: ) { universe@641: return 1 != cx_arl_insert_array(list, index, element, 1); universe@641: } universe@641: universe@607: static int cx_arl_insert_iter( universe@630: struct cx_mut_iterator_s *iter, universe@607: void const *elem, universe@607: int prepend universe@607: ) { universe@619: struct cx_list_s *list = iter->src_handle; universe@619: if (iter->index < list->size) { universe@641: int result = cx_arl_insert_element( universe@619: list, universe@619: iter->index + 1 - prepend, universe@641: elem universe@619: ); universe@619: if (result == 0 && prepend != 0) { universe@619: iter->index++; universe@677: iter->elem_handle = ((char *) iter->elem_handle) + list->item_size; universe@619: } universe@619: return result; universe@619: } else { universe@641: int result = cx_arl_insert_element(list, list->size, elem); universe@619: iter->index = list->size; universe@619: return result; universe@619: } universe@607: } universe@607: universe@607: static int cx_arl_remove( universe@607: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@607: size_t index universe@607: ) { universe@664: cx_array_list *arl = (cx_array_list *) list; universe@664: universe@628: // out-of-bounds check universe@613: if (index >= list->size) { universe@613: return 1; universe@613: } universe@613: universe@664: // content destruction universe@678: cx_invoke_destructor(list, ((char *) arl->data) + index * list->item_size); universe@664: universe@628: // short-circuit removal of last element universe@624: if (index == list->size - 1) { universe@624: list->size--; universe@624: return 0; universe@624: } universe@613: universe@628: // just move the elements starting at index to the left universe@613: int result = cx_array_copy( universe@613: &arl->data, universe@613: &list->size, universe@677: &arl->capacity, universe@613: index, universe@677: ((char *) arl->data) + (index + 1) * list->item_size, universe@677: list->item_size, universe@626: list->size - index - 1, universe@613: &arl->reallocator universe@613: ); universe@820: universe@820: // cx_array_copy cannot fail, array cannot grow universe@820: assert(result == 0); universe@820: universe@820: // decrease the size universe@820: list->size--; universe@820: universe@820: return 0; universe@607: } universe@607: universe@664: static void cx_arl_clear(struct cx_list_s *list) { universe@664: if (list->size == 0) return; universe@664: universe@664: cx_array_list *arl = (cx_array_list *) list; universe@664: char *ptr = arl->data; universe@664: universe@677: if (list->simple_destructor) { universe@677: for (size_t i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { universe@677: cx_invoke_simple_destructor(list, ptr); universe@677: ptr += list->item_size; universe@664: } universe@677: } universe@677: if (list->advanced_destructor) { universe@677: for (size_t i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { universe@677: cx_invoke_advanced_destructor(list, ptr); universe@677: ptr += list->item_size; universe@664: } universe@664: } universe@666: universe@677: memset(arl->data, 0, list->size * list->item_size); universe@666: list->size = 0; universe@664: } universe@664: universe@647: static int cx_arl_swap( universe@647: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@647: size_t i, universe@647: size_t j universe@647: ) { universe@647: if (i >= list->size || j >= list->size) return 1; universe@647: cx_array_list *arl = (cx_array_list *) list; universe@677: cx_array_swap(arl->data, list->item_size, i, j); universe@647: return 0; universe@647: } universe@647: universe@610: static void *cx_arl_at( universe@607: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@607: size_t index universe@607: ) { universe@610: if (index < list->size) { universe@610: cx_array_list const *arl = (cx_array_list const *) list; universe@610: char *space = arl->data; universe@677: return space + index * list->item_size; universe@610: } else { universe@610: return NULL; universe@610: } universe@607: } universe@607: universe@764: static ssize_t cx_arl_find_remove( universe@764: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@764: void const *elem, universe@764: bool remove universe@607: ) { universe@660: assert(list->cmpfunc != NULL); universe@699: assert(list->size < SIZE_MAX / 2); universe@614: char *cur = ((cx_array_list const *) list)->data; universe@614: universe@699: for (ssize_t i = 0; i < (ssize_t) list->size; i++) { universe@614: if (0 == list->cmpfunc(elem, cur)) { universe@764: if (remove) { universe@764: if (0 == cx_arl_remove(list, i)) { universe@764: return i; universe@764: } else { universe@764: return -1; universe@764: } universe@764: } else { universe@764: return i; universe@764: } universe@614: } universe@677: cur += list->item_size; universe@614: } universe@614: universe@699: return -1; universe@607: } universe@607: universe@607: static void cx_arl_sort(struct cx_list_s *list) { universe@660: assert(list->cmpfunc != NULL); universe@615: qsort(((cx_array_list *) list)->data, universe@615: list->size, universe@677: list->item_size, universe@615: list->cmpfunc universe@615: ); universe@607: } universe@607: universe@607: static int cx_arl_compare( universe@607: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@607: struct cx_list_s const *other universe@607: ) { universe@660: assert(list->cmpfunc != NULL); universe@622: if (list->size == other->size) { universe@622: char const *left = ((cx_array_list const *) list)->data; universe@622: char const *right = ((cx_array_list const *) other)->data; universe@622: for (size_t i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { universe@622: int d = list->cmpfunc(left, right); universe@622: if (d != 0) { universe@622: return d; universe@622: } universe@677: left += list->item_size; universe@677: right += other->item_size; universe@622: } universe@622: return 0; universe@622: } else { universe@622: return list->size < other->size ? -1 : 1; universe@622: } universe@607: } universe@607: universe@607: static void cx_arl_reverse(struct cx_list_s *list) { universe@623: if (list->size < 2) return; universe@623: void *data = ((cx_array_list const *) list)->data; universe@623: size_t half = list->size / 2; universe@623: for (size_t i = 0; i < half; i++) { universe@677: cx_array_swap(data, list->item_size, i, list->size - 1 - i); universe@623: } universe@607: } universe@607: universe@630: static bool cx_arl_iter_valid(void const *it) { universe@630: struct cx_iterator_s const *iter = it; universe@616: struct cx_list_s const *list = iter->src_handle; universe@616: return iter->index < list->size; universe@616: } universe@616: universe@630: static void *cx_arl_iter_current(void const *it) { universe@630: struct cx_iterator_s const *iter = it; universe@616: return iter->elem_handle; universe@616: } universe@616: universe@630: static void cx_arl_iter_next(void *it) { universe@630: struct cx_iterator_base_s *itbase = it; universe@630: if (itbase->remove) { universe@630: struct cx_mut_iterator_s *iter = it; universe@630: itbase->remove = false; universe@616: cx_arl_remove(iter->src_handle, iter->index); universe@616: } else { universe@630: struct cx_iterator_s *iter = it; universe@616: iter->index++; universe@620: iter->elem_handle = universe@620: ((char *) iter->elem_handle) universe@677: + ((struct cx_list_s const *) iter->src_handle)->item_size; universe@616: } universe@616: } universe@616: universe@655: static void cx_arl_iter_prev(void *it) { universe@655: struct cx_iterator_base_s *itbase = it; universe@655: struct cx_mut_iterator_s *iter = it; universe@655: cx_array_list *const list = iter->src_handle; universe@655: if (itbase->remove) { universe@655: itbase->remove = false; universe@655: cx_arl_remove(iter->src_handle, iter->index); universe@655: } universe@655: iter->index--; universe@655: if (iter->index < list->base.size) { universe@655: iter->elem_handle = ((char *) list->data) universe@677: + iter->index * list->base.item_size; universe@655: } universe@655: } universe@655: universe@630: static bool cx_arl_iter_flag_rm(void *it) { universe@630: struct cx_iterator_base_s *iter = it; universe@630: if (iter->mutating) { universe@630: iter->remove = true; universe@630: return true; universe@630: } else { universe@630: return false; universe@630: } universe@630: } universe@630: universe@607: static struct cx_iterator_s cx_arl_iterator( universe@630: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@655: size_t index, universe@655: bool backwards universe@607: ) { universe@607: struct cx_iterator_s iter; universe@607: universe@616: iter.index = index; universe@616: iter.src_handle = list; universe@616: iter.elem_handle = cx_arl_at(list, index); universe@630: iter.base.valid = cx_arl_iter_valid; universe@630: iter.base.current = cx_arl_iter_current; universe@655: iter.base.next = backwards ? cx_arl_iter_prev : cx_arl_iter_next; universe@630: iter.base.flag_removal = cx_arl_iter_flag_rm; universe@630: iter.base.remove = false; universe@630: iter.base.mutating = false; universe@630: universe@630: return iter; universe@630: } universe@616: universe@607: static cx_list_class cx_array_list_class = { universe@607: cx_arl_destructor, universe@641: cx_arl_insert_element, universe@638: cx_arl_insert_array, universe@607: cx_arl_insert_iter, universe@607: cx_arl_remove, universe@664: cx_arl_clear, universe@647: cx_arl_swap, universe@607: cx_arl_at, universe@764: cx_arl_find_remove, universe@607: cx_arl_sort, universe@607: cx_arl_compare, universe@607: cx_arl_reverse, universe@607: cx_arl_iterator, universe@607: }; universe@607: universe@670: CxList *cxArrayListCreate( universe@606: CxAllocator const *allocator, universe@677: cx_compare_func comparator, universe@606: size_t item_size, universe@606: size_t initial_capacity universe@606: ) { universe@670: if (allocator == NULL) { universe@670: allocator = cxDefaultAllocator; universe@670: } universe@670: universe@607: cx_array_list *list = cxCalloc(allocator, 1, sizeof(cx_array_list)); universe@607: if (list == NULL) return NULL; universe@607: universe@607: list->base.cl = &cx_array_list_class; universe@607: list->base.allocator = allocator; universe@677: list->capacity = initial_capacity; universe@607: universe@667: if (item_size > 0) { universe@677: list->base.item_size = item_size; universe@763: list->base.cmpfunc = comparator; universe@667: } else { universe@678: item_size = sizeof(void *); universe@763: list->base.cmpfunc = comparator == NULL ? cx_cmp_ptr : comparator; universe@667: cxListStorePointers((CxList *) list); universe@667: } universe@667: universe@676: // allocate the array after the real item_size is known universe@676: list->data = cxCalloc(allocator, initial_capacity, item_size); universe@676: if (list->data == NULL) { universe@676: cxFree(allocator, list); universe@676: return NULL; universe@676: } universe@676: universe@628: // configure the reallocator universe@610: list->reallocator.realloc = cx_arl_realloc; universe@610: list->reallocator.ptr1 = (void *) allocator; universe@610: universe@607: return (CxList *) list; universe@606: }