universe@390: /* universe@390: * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. universe@390: * universe@390: * Copyright 2021 Mike Becker, Olaf Wintermann All rights reserved. universe@390: * universe@390: * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without universe@390: * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: universe@390: * universe@390: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright universe@390: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. universe@390: * universe@390: * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright universe@390: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the universe@390: * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. universe@390: * universe@390: * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" universe@390: * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE universe@390: * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE universe@390: * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE universe@390: * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR universe@390: * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF universe@390: * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS universe@390: * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN universe@390: * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) universe@390: * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE universe@390: * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. universe@390: */ universe@453: /** universe@453: * \file list.h universe@453: * \brief Interface for list implementations. universe@453: * \author Mike Becker universe@453: * \author Olaf Wintermann universe@453: * \version 3.0 universe@453: * \copyright 2-Clause BSD License universe@453: */ universe@390: universe@390: #ifndef UCX_LIST_H universe@390: #define UCX_LIST_H universe@390: universe@484: #include "common.h" universe@398: #include "allocator.h" universe@494: #include "iterator.h" universe@398: universe@415: #ifdef __cplusplus universe@415: extern "C" { universe@415: #endif universe@415: universe@464: /** universe@464: * A comparator function comparing two list elements. universe@464: */ universe@489: typedef int(*CxListComparator)( universe@489: void const *left, universe@489: void const *right universe@489: ); universe@398: universe@464: /** universe@500: * List class type. universe@464: */ universe@500: typedef struct cx_list_class_s cx_list_class; universe@435: universe@464: /** universe@464: * Structure for holding the base data of a list. universe@464: */ universe@435: struct cx_list_s { universe@464: /** universe@464: * The list class definition. universe@464: */ universe@435: cx_list_class *cl; universe@464: /** universe@464: * The allocator to use. universe@464: */ universe@508: CxAllocator const *allocator; universe@464: /** universe@503: * A mandatory destructor for the list structure. universe@503: */ universe@503: cx_destructor_func list_destructor; universe@503: /** universe@503: * An optional destructor for the list contents. universe@503: */ universe@503: cx_destructor_func content_destructor; universe@503: /** universe@464: * The comparator function for the elements. universe@464: */ universe@398: CxListComparator cmpfunc; universe@464: /** universe@464: * The size of each element (payload only). universe@464: */ universe@401: size_t itemsize; universe@464: /** universe@464: * The size of the list (number of currently stored elements). universe@464: */ universe@401: size_t size; universe@464: /** universe@464: * The capacity of the list (maximum number of elements). universe@464: */ universe@401: size_t capacity; universe@503: /** universe@503: * Flag indicating whether cxListDestroy() shall free the list structure, universe@503: * even if cx_list_s.list_destructor did not do that. universe@503: */ universe@503: bool autofree; universe@503: /** universe@503: * Flag indicating whether cxListDestroy() shall free each list element, universe@503: * even if cx_list_s.content_destructor did not do that. universe@503: */ universe@503: bool autofree_contents; universe@435: }; universe@398: universe@464: /** universe@500: * The class definition for arbitrary lists. universe@500: */ universe@500: struct cx_list_class_s { universe@500: /** universe@500: * Member function for adding an element. universe@500: */ universe@500: int (*add)( universe@500: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@500: void const *elem universe@500: ); universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@500: * Member function for inserting an element. universe@500: */ universe@500: int (*insert)( universe@500: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@500: size_t index, universe@500: void const *elem universe@500: ); universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@500: * Member function for inserting an element relative to an iterator position. universe@500: */ universe@500: int (*insert_iter)( universe@500: struct cx_iterator_s *iter, universe@500: void const *elem, universe@500: int prepend universe@500: ); universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@500: * Member function for removing an element. universe@500: */ universe@500: int (*remove)( universe@500: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@500: size_t index universe@500: ); universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@500: * Member function for element lookup. universe@500: */ universe@500: void *(*at)( universe@500: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@500: size_t index universe@500: ); universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@500: * Member function for finding an element. universe@500: */ universe@500: size_t (*find)( universe@500: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@500: void const *elem universe@500: ); universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@500: * Member function for sorting the list in place. universe@500: */ universe@500: void (*sort)(struct cx_list_s *list); universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@500: * Member function for comparing this list to another list of the same type. universe@500: */ universe@500: int (*compare)( universe@500: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@500: struct cx_list_s const *other universe@500: ); universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@500: * Member function for reversing the order of the items. universe@500: */ universe@500: void (*reverse)(struct cx_list_s *list); universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@500: * Returns an iterator pointing to the specified index. universe@500: */ universe@500: struct cx_iterator_s (*iterator)( universe@500: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@500: size_t index universe@500: ); universe@500: }; universe@500: universe@500: /** universe@464: * Common type for all list implementations. universe@464: */ universe@500: typedef struct cx_list_s CxList; universe@398: universe@464: /** universe@505: * Convenience function to configure the memory management for this list. universe@505: * universe@504: * @param list the list to configure universe@504: * @param list_destructor an alternative list destructor to use (if \c NULL, the current destructor remains unchanged) universe@504: * @param content_destructor the content destructor to use (if \c NULL, no content destructor is used) universe@504: * @param list_autofree a flag indicating, if the list allocator shall free the list, if the destructor did not do that universe@504: * @param content_autofree a flag indicating, if the list allocator shall free an element, universe@504: * if the content destructor did not do that or no content destructor exists universe@504: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__(1))) universe@504: static inline void cxListMemoryMgmt( universe@504: CxList *list, universe@504: cx_destructor_func list_destructor, universe@504: cx_destructor_func content_destructor, universe@504: bool list_autofree, universe@504: bool content_autofree universe@504: ) { universe@504: if (list_destructor != NULL) list->list_destructor = list_destructor; universe@504: list->content_destructor = content_destructor; universe@504: list->autofree = list_autofree; universe@504: list->autofree_contents = content_autofree; universe@504: } universe@504: universe@504: /** universe@464: * Adds an item to the end of the list. universe@464: * universe@464: * @param list the list universe@464: * @param elem a pointer to the element to add universe@464: * @return zero on success, non-zero on memory allocation failure universe@464: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@489: static inline int cxListAdd( universe@500: CxList *list, universe@489: void const *elem universe@489: ) { universe@469: return list->cl->add(list, elem); universe@469: } universe@398: universe@464: /** universe@464: * Inserts an item at the specified index. universe@464: * universe@464: * If \p index equals the list \c size, this is effectively cxListAdd(). universe@464: * universe@464: * @param list the list universe@464: * @param index the index the element shall have universe@464: * @param elem a pointer to the element to add universe@464: * @return zero on success, non-zero on memory allocation failure universe@464: * or when the index is out of bounds universe@499: * @see cxListInsertAfter() universe@499: * @see cxListInsertBefore() universe@464: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@489: static inline int cxListInsert( universe@500: CxList *list, universe@489: size_t index, universe@489: void const *elem universe@489: ) { universe@469: return list->cl->insert(list, index, elem); universe@469: } universe@398: universe@464: /** universe@499: * Inserts an element after the current location of the specified iterator. universe@499: * universe@499: * The used iterator remains operational, but all other active iterators should universe@499: * be considered invalidated. universe@499: * universe@499: * If \p iter is not a list iterator, the behavior is undefined. universe@499: * If \p iter is a past-the-end iterator, the new element gets appended to the list. universe@499: * universe@499: * @param iter an iterator universe@499: * @param elem the element to insert universe@499: * @return zero on success, non-zero on memory allocation failure universe@499: * @see cxListInsert() universe@499: * @see cxListInsertBefore() universe@499: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@499: static inline int cxListInsertAfter( universe@499: CxIterator *iter, universe@499: void const *elem universe@499: ) { universe@500: return ((struct cx_list_s *) iter->src_handle)->cl->insert_iter(iter, elem, 0); universe@499: } universe@499: universe@499: /** universe@499: * Inserts an element before the current location of the specified iterator. universe@499: * universe@499: * The used iterator remains operational, but all other active iterators should universe@499: * be considered invalidated. universe@499: * universe@499: * If \p iter is not a list iterator, the behavior is undefined. universe@499: * If \p iter is a past-the-end iterator, the new element gets appended to the list. universe@499: * universe@499: * @param iter an iterator universe@499: * @param elem the element to insert universe@499: * @return zero on success, non-zero on memory allocation failure universe@499: * @see cxListInsert() universe@499: * @see cxListInsertAfter() universe@499: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@499: static inline int cxListInsertBefore( universe@499: CxIterator *iter, universe@499: void const *elem universe@499: ) { universe@500: return ((struct cx_list_s *) iter->src_handle)->cl->insert_iter(iter, elem, 1); universe@499: } universe@499: universe@499: /** universe@464: * Removes the element at the specified index. universe@464: * @param list the list universe@464: * @param index the index of the element universe@464: * @return zero on success, non-zero if the index is out of bounds universe@464: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@489: static inline int cxListRemove( universe@500: CxList *list, universe@489: size_t index universe@489: ) { universe@469: return list->cl->remove(list, index); universe@469: } universe@398: universe@464: /** universe@464: * Returns a pointer to the element at the specified index. universe@464: * universe@464: * @param list the list universe@464: * @param index the index of the element universe@464: * @return a pointer to the element or \c NULL if the index is out of bounds universe@464: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@489: static inline void *cxListAt( universe@500: CxList *list, universe@489: size_t index universe@489: ) { universe@469: return list->cl->at(list, index); universe@469: } universe@439: universe@464: /** universe@494: * Returns an iterator pointing to the item at the specified index. universe@494: * universe@494: * The returned iterator is position-aware. universe@494: * universe@494: * If the index is out of range, a past-the-end iterator will be returned. universe@494: * universe@494: * @param list the list universe@494: * @param index the index where the iterator shall point at universe@494: * @return a new iterator universe@494: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)) universe@494: static inline CxIterator cxListIterator( universe@500: CxList *list, universe@494: size_t index universe@494: ) { universe@494: return list->cl->iterator(list, index); universe@494: } universe@494: universe@494: /** universe@494: * Returns an iterator pointing to the first item of the list. universe@494: * universe@494: * The returned iterator is position-aware. universe@494: * universe@494: * If the list is empty, a past-the-end iterator will be returned. universe@494: * universe@494: * @param list the list universe@494: * @return a new iterator universe@494: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)) universe@500: static inline CxIterator cxListBegin(CxList *list) { universe@494: return list->cl->iterator(list, 0); universe@494: } universe@494: universe@494: /** universe@464: * Returns the index of the first element that equals \p elem. universe@464: * universe@464: * Determining equality is performed by the list's comparator function. universe@464: * universe@464: * @param list the list universe@464: * @param elem the element to find universe@464: * @return the index of the element or \c (size+1) if the element is not found universe@464: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@489: static inline size_t cxListFind( universe@500: CxList *list, universe@489: void const *elem universe@489: ) { universe@469: return list->cl->find(list, elem); universe@469: } universe@398: universe@464: /** universe@469: * Sorts the list in place. universe@469: * universe@469: * \remark The underlying sort algorithm is implementation defined. universe@469: * universe@469: * @param list the list universe@469: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@500: static inline void cxListSort(CxList *list) { universe@469: list->cl->sort(list); universe@469: } universe@404: universe@488: /** universe@490: * Reverses the order of the items. universe@490: * universe@490: * @param list the list universe@490: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@500: static inline void cxListReverse(CxList *list) { universe@490: list->cl->reverse(list); universe@490: } universe@490: universe@490: /** universe@488: * Compares a list to another list of the same type. universe@488: * universe@488: * First, the list sizes are compared. If they match, the lists are compared element-wise. universe@488: * universe@488: * @param list the list universe@488: * @param other the list to compare to universe@488: * @return zero, if both lists are equal element wise, negative if the first list is smaller, zero if the first list is larger universe@488: */ universe@508: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@488: static inline int cxListCompare( universe@500: CxList *list, universe@500: CxList *other universe@488: ) { universe@488: return list->cl->compare(list, other); universe@488: } universe@488: universe@503: /** universe@503: * Calls the list's destructor function for every element. universe@503: * If CxList.autofree_content is \c true, the elements are automatically free'd universe@503: * unless the content destructor function did not already do that. universe@503: * Similarly, if CxList.autofree is \c true, the list structure is free'd, unless universe@503: * the list destructor function did not already do that. universe@503: * universe@503: * This function itself is a destructor function for the CxList. universe@503: * universe@503: * @param list the list which contents shall be destroyed universe@508: * @return \p list if the list structure has not been free'd during the process universe@503: */ universe@503: __attribute__((__nonnull__)) universe@503: CxList *cxListDestroy(CxList *list); universe@503: universe@415: #ifdef __cplusplus universe@415: } /* extern "C" */ universe@415: #endif universe@415: universe@393: #endif /* UCX_LIST_H */