universe@422: /* universe@422: * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. universe@422: * universe@422: * Copyright 2021 Mike Becker, Olaf Wintermann All rights reserved. universe@422: * universe@422: * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without universe@422: * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: universe@422: * universe@422: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright universe@422: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. universe@422: * universe@422: * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright universe@422: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the universe@422: * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. universe@422: * universe@422: * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" universe@422: * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE universe@422: * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE universe@422: * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE universe@422: * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR universe@422: * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF universe@422: * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS universe@422: * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN universe@422: * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) universe@422: * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE universe@422: * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. universe@422: */ universe@422: universe@422: #include "util_allocator.h" universe@770: #include "cx/test.h" universe@422: universe@770: static void cx_testing_allocator_track(CxTestingAllocator *alloc, void *ptr) { universe@770: for (size_t i = 0; i < alloc->tracked_count; i++) { universe@770: if (alloc->tracked[i] == ptr) return; // is already tracked universe@770: } universe@770: universe@770: if (alloc->tracked_count == alloc->tracked_capacity) { universe@770: size_t newcapa = alloc->tracked_capacity + 64; universe@770: void *newarr = realloc(alloc->tracked, newcapa * sizeof(void *)); universe@770: if (newarr == NULL) abort(); universe@770: alloc->tracked = newarr; universe@770: alloc->tracked_capacity = newcapa; universe@770: } universe@770: universe@770: alloc->tracked[alloc->tracked_count] = ptr; universe@770: alloc->tracked_count++; universe@770: } universe@770: universe@770: static bool cx_testing_allocator_untrack(CxTestingAllocator *alloc, void *ptr) { universe@770: for (size_t i = 0; i < alloc->tracked_count; i++) { universe@770: if (alloc->tracked[i] == ptr) { universe@770: size_t last = alloc->tracked_count - 1; universe@770: if (i < last) { universe@770: alloc->tracked[i] = alloc->tracked[last]; universe@770: } universe@770: alloc->tracked_count--; universe@770: return true; universe@770: } universe@770: } universe@770: return false; universe@770: } universe@770: universe@770: static void *cx_malloc_testing(void *d, size_t n) { universe@770: CxTestingAllocator *data = d; universe@422: void *ptr = malloc(n); universe@422: data->alloc_total++; universe@770: if (ptr == NULL) { universe@422: data->alloc_failed++; universe@422: } else { universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_track(data, ptr); universe@422: } universe@422: return ptr; universe@422: } universe@422: universe@770: static void *cx_realloc_testing(void *d, void *mem, size_t n) { universe@770: CxTestingAllocator *data = d; universe@422: void *ptr = realloc(mem, n); universe@422: if (ptr == mem) { universe@422: return ptr; universe@422: } else { universe@422: data->alloc_total++; universe@770: if (ptr == NULL) { universe@422: data->alloc_failed++; universe@422: } else { universe@422: data->free_total++; universe@814: #if !defined(__clang__) && __GNUC__ > 11 universe@775: #pragma GCC diagnostic push universe@775: #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wuse-after-free" universe@814: #endif universe@770: if (!cx_testing_allocator_untrack(data, mem)) { universe@422: data->free_failed++; universe@422: } universe@814: #if !defined(__clang__) && __GNUC__ > 11 universe@775: #pragma GCC diagnostic pop universe@814: #endif universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_track(data, ptr); universe@422: } universe@422: return ptr; universe@422: } universe@422: } universe@422: universe@770: static void *cx_calloc_testing(void *d, size_t nelem, size_t n) { universe@770: CxTestingAllocator *data = d; universe@422: void *ptr = calloc(nelem, n); universe@422: data->alloc_total++; universe@770: if (ptr == NULL) { universe@422: data->alloc_failed++; universe@422: } else { universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_track(data, ptr); universe@422: } universe@422: return ptr; universe@422: } universe@422: universe@770: static void cx_free_testing(void *d, void *mem) { universe@770: CxTestingAllocator *data = d; universe@422: data->free_total++; universe@770: if (cx_testing_allocator_untrack(data, mem)) { universe@770: free(mem); universe@770: } else { universe@422: data->free_failed++; universe@422: // do not even attempt to free mem, because it is likely to segfault universe@422: } universe@422: } universe@422: universe@422: cx_allocator_class cx_testing_allocator_class = { universe@422: cx_malloc_testing, universe@422: cx_realloc_testing, universe@422: cx_calloc_testing, universe@422: cx_free_testing universe@422: }; universe@422: universe@770: universe@770: void cx_testing_allocator_init(CxTestingAllocator *alloc) { universe@770: alloc->base.cl = &cx_testing_allocator_class; universe@770: alloc->base.data = alloc; universe@770: alloc->alloc_failed = 0; universe@770: alloc->alloc_total = 0; universe@770: alloc->free_failed = 0; universe@770: alloc->free_total = 0; universe@770: size_t initial_capa = 16; universe@770: alloc->tracked_capacity = initial_capa; universe@770: alloc->tracked_count = 0; universe@770: alloc->tracked = calloc(sizeof(void *), initial_capa); universe@518: } universe@518: universe@770: void cx_testing_allocator_destroy(CxTestingAllocator *alloc) { universe@770: free(alloc->tracked); universe@571: } universe@571: universe@770: bool cx_testing_allocator_used(CxTestingAllocator const *alloc) { universe@770: return alloc->alloc_total > 0; universe@770: } universe@770: universe@770: bool cx_testing_allocator_verify(CxTestingAllocator const *alloc) { universe@770: return alloc->tracked_count == 0 && alloc->alloc_failed == 0 && alloc->free_failed == 0 universe@770: && alloc->alloc_total == alloc->free_total; universe@518: } universe@518: universe@518: // SELF-TEST universe@422: universe@770: CX_TEST(test_util_allocator_expect_free) { universe@770: CxTestingAllocator talloc; universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); universe@770: CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; universe@770: CX_TEST_DO { universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERTM(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc), universe@770: "Fresh testing allocator fails to verify."); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERTM(!cx_testing_allocator_used(&talloc), universe@770: "Fresh testing allocator already used."); universe@770: void *ptr = cxMalloc(alloc, 16); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERTM(!cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc), universe@770: "Testing allocator verifies with unfreed memory."); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_used(&talloc)); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(ptr != NULL); universe@422: universe@770: cxFree(alloc, ptr); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERTM(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc), universe@770: "Testing allocator fails to verify after everything freed."); universe@770: } universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); universe@422: } universe@422: universe@770: CX_TEST(test_util_allocator_detect_double_free) { universe@770: CxTestingAllocator talloc; universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); universe@770: CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; universe@770: CX_TEST_DO { universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); universe@770: void *ptr = cxMalloc(alloc, 16); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(ptr != NULL); universe@770: cxFree(alloc, ptr); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); universe@770: cxFree(alloc, ptr); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERTM(!cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc), universe@770: "Testing allocator does not detect double-free."); universe@770: } universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); universe@518: } universe@518: universe@770: CX_TEST(test_util_allocator_free_untracked) { universe@770: CxTestingAllocator talloc; universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); universe@770: CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; universe@770: void *ptr = malloc(16); universe@770: CX_TEST_DO { universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); universe@770: cxFree(alloc, ptr); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERTM(!cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc), universe@770: "Testing allocator does not detect free of untracked memory."); universe@770: } universe@770: free(ptr); universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); universe@422: } universe@518: universe@770: CX_TEST(test_util_allocator_full_lifecycle_with_realloc) { universe@770: CxTestingAllocator talloc; universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); universe@770: CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; universe@770: CX_TEST_DO { universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); universe@770: void *ptr = cxMalloc(alloc, 16); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(ptr != NULL); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(talloc.tracked_count == 1); universe@770: ptr = cxRealloc(alloc, ptr, 256); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(!cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(ptr != NULL); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(talloc.tracked_count == 1); universe@770: cxFree(alloc, ptr); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); universe@770: } universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); universe@518: } universe@518: universe@770: CX_TEST(test_util_allocator_calloc_initializes) { universe@770: CxTestingAllocator talloc; universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_init(&talloc); universe@770: CxAllocator *alloc = &talloc.base; universe@770: CX_TEST_DO { universe@770: const char zeros[16] = {0}; universe@770: void *ptr = cxCalloc(alloc, 16, 1); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(ptr, zeros, 16) == 0); universe@770: cxFree(alloc, ptr); universe@770: CX_TEST_ASSERT(cx_testing_allocator_verify(&talloc)); universe@770: } universe@770: cx_testing_allocator_destroy(&talloc); universe@518: } universe@770: universe@770: CxTestSuite *cx_test_suite_testing_allocator(void) { universe@770: CxTestSuite *suite = cx_test_suite_new("testing allocator self-test"); universe@770: universe@770: cx_test_register(suite, test_util_allocator_expect_free); universe@770: cx_test_register(suite, test_util_allocator_detect_double_free); universe@770: cx_test_register(suite, test_util_allocator_free_untracked); universe@770: cx_test_register(suite, test_util_allocator_full_lifecycle_with_realloc); universe@770: cx_test_register(suite, test_util_allocator_calloc_initializes); universe@770: universe@770: return suite; universe@770: } universe@770: