universe@503: /* universe@503: * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. universe@503: * universe@503: * Copyright 2021 Mike Becker, Olaf Wintermann All rights reserved. universe@503: * universe@503: * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without universe@503: * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: universe@503: * universe@503: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright universe@503: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. universe@503: * universe@503: * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright universe@503: * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the universe@503: * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. universe@503: * universe@503: * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" universe@503: * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE universe@503: * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE universe@503: * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE universe@503: * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR universe@503: * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF universe@503: * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS universe@503: * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN universe@503: * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) universe@503: * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE universe@503: * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. universe@503: */ universe@503: universe@503: #include "cx/list.h" universe@503: universe@640: #include universe@640: universe@641: // universe@641: universe@641: static _Thread_local CxListComparator cx_pl_cmpfunc_impl; universe@641: universe@641: static int cx_pl_cmpfunc( universe@641: void const *l, universe@641: void const *r universe@641: ) { universe@641: void *const *lptr = l; universe@641: void *const *rptr = r; universe@641: void const *left = lptr == NULL ? NULL : *lptr; universe@641: void const *right = rptr == NULL ? NULL : *rptr; universe@641: return cx_pl_cmpfunc_impl(left, right); universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static void cx_pl_hack_cmpfunc(struct cx_list_s const *list) { universe@641: // cast away const - this is the hacky thing universe@641: struct cx_list_s *l = (struct cx_list_s *) list; universe@641: cx_pl_cmpfunc_impl = l->cmpfunc; universe@641: l->cmpfunc = cx_pl_cmpfunc; universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static void cx_pl_unhack_cmpfunc(struct cx_list_s const *list) { universe@641: // cast away const - this is the hacky thing universe@641: struct cx_list_s *l = (struct cx_list_s *) list; universe@641: l->cmpfunc = cx_pl_cmpfunc_impl; universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static void cx_pl_destructor(struct cx_list_s *list) { universe@641: list->climpl->destructor(list); universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static int cx_pl_insert_element( universe@641: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@641: size_t index, universe@641: void const *element universe@641: ) { universe@641: return list->climpl->insert_element(list, index, &element); universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static size_t cx_pl_insert_array( universe@641: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@641: size_t index, universe@641: void const *array, universe@641: size_t n universe@641: ) { universe@641: return list->climpl->insert_array(list, index, array, n); universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static int cx_pl_insert_iter( universe@641: struct cx_mut_iterator_s *iter, universe@641: void const *elem, universe@641: int prepend universe@641: ) { universe@641: struct cx_list_s *list = iter->src_handle; universe@641: return list->climpl->insert_iter(iter, &elem, prepend); universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static int cx_pl_remove( universe@641: struct cx_list_s *list, universe@641: size_t index universe@641: ) { universe@641: return list->climpl->remove(list, index); universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static void *cx_pl_at( universe@641: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@641: size_t index universe@641: ) { universe@641: void **ptr = list->climpl->at(list, index); universe@641: return ptr == NULL ? NULL : *ptr; universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static size_t cx_pl_find( universe@641: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@641: void const *elem universe@641: ) { universe@641: cx_pl_hack_cmpfunc(list); universe@641: size_t ret = list->climpl->find(list, &elem); universe@641: cx_pl_unhack_cmpfunc(list); universe@641: return ret; universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static void cx_pl_sort(struct cx_list_s *list) { universe@641: cx_pl_hack_cmpfunc(list); universe@641: list->climpl->sort(list); universe@641: cx_pl_unhack_cmpfunc(list); universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static int cx_pl_compare( universe@641: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@641: struct cx_list_s const *other universe@641: ) { universe@641: cx_pl_hack_cmpfunc(list); universe@641: int ret = list->climpl->compare(list, other); universe@641: cx_pl_unhack_cmpfunc(list); universe@641: return ret; universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static void cx_pl_reverse(struct cx_list_s *list) { universe@641: list->climpl->reverse(list); universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static void *cx_pl_iter_current(void const *it) { universe@641: struct cx_iterator_s const *iter = it; universe@641: void **ptr = iter->base.current_impl(it); universe@641: return ptr == NULL ? NULL : *ptr; universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static struct cx_iterator_s cx_pl_iterator( universe@641: struct cx_list_s const *list, universe@641: size_t index universe@641: ) { universe@641: struct cx_iterator_s iter = list->climpl->iterator(list, index); universe@641: iter.base.current_impl = iter.base.current; universe@641: iter.base.current = cx_pl_iter_current; universe@641: return iter; universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: static cx_list_class cx_pointer_list_class = { universe@641: cx_pl_destructor, universe@641: cx_pl_insert_element, universe@641: cx_pl_insert_array, universe@641: cx_pl_insert_iter, universe@641: cx_pl_remove, universe@641: cx_pl_at, universe@641: cx_pl_find, universe@641: cx_pl_sort, universe@641: cx_pl_compare, universe@641: cx_pl_reverse, universe@641: cx_pl_iterator, universe@641: }; universe@641: universe@641: void cxListStoreObjects(CxList *list) { universe@641: if (list->climpl != NULL) { universe@641: list->cl = list->climpl; universe@641: list->climpl = NULL; universe@641: } universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: void cxListStorePointers(CxList *list) { universe@641: list->itemsize = sizeof(void *); universe@641: list->climpl = list->cl; universe@641: list->cl = &cx_pointer_list_class; universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: bool cxListIsStoringPointers(CxList *list) { universe@641: return list->climpl != NULL; universe@641: } universe@641: universe@641: // universe@641: universe@528: void cxListDestroy(CxList *list) { universe@528: switch (list->content_destructor_type) { universe@528: case CX_DESTRUCTOR_SIMPLE: { universe@528: CxIterator iter = cxListBegin(list); universe@528: cx_foreach(void*, elem, iter) { universe@528: list->simple_destructor(elem); universe@528: } universe@528: break; universe@503: } universe@528: case CX_DESTRUCTOR_ADVANCED: { universe@528: CxIterator iter = cxListBegin(list); universe@528: cx_foreach(void*, elem, iter) { universe@528: list->advanced_destructor.func(list->advanced_destructor.data, elem); universe@528: } universe@528: break; universe@528: } universe@528: case CX_DESTRUCTOR_NONE: universe@528: break; // nothing universe@503: } universe@528: universe@524: list->cl->destructor(list); universe@524: cxFree(list->allocator, list); universe@503: } universe@618: universe@618: int cxListCompare( universe@618: CxList const *list, universe@618: CxList const *other universe@618: ) { universe@618: if (list->cl->compare == other->cl->compare) { universe@628: // same compare function, lists are compatible universe@618: return list->cl->compare(list, other); universe@618: } else { universe@628: // different compare functions, use iterator universe@618: if (list->size == other->size) { universe@618: CxIterator left = cxListBegin(list); universe@618: CxIterator right = cxListBegin(other); universe@618: for (size_t i = 0; i < list->size; i++) { universe@630: void *leftValue = cxIteratorCurrent(left); universe@630: void *rightValue = cxIteratorCurrent(right); universe@618: int d = list->cmpfunc(leftValue, rightValue); universe@618: if (d != 0) { universe@618: return d; universe@618: } universe@630: cxIteratorNext(left); universe@630: cxIteratorNext(right); universe@618: } universe@618: return 0; universe@618: } else { universe@618: return list->size < other->size ? -1 : 1; universe@618: } universe@618: } universe@618: } universe@640: universe@640: CxMutIterator cxListMutIterator( universe@640: CxList *list, universe@640: size_t index universe@640: ) { universe@640: CxIterator it = list->cl->iterator(list, index); universe@640: it.base.mutating = true; universe@640: universe@640: // we know the iterators share the same memory layout universe@640: CxMutIterator iter; universe@640: memcpy(&iter, &it, sizeof(CxMutIterator)); universe@640: return iter; universe@640: }