overflow of sstrnlen should return SIZE_MAX instead of zero

adjusts documentation of UCX string types, converters, and constructors

finally removes the underscore of ugliness from ucx_str_cmp() and ucx_str_casecmp()

renames int and longint distance and compare functions according to the new scheme

renames ucx_doublecmp() and ucx_floatcmp() to ucx_cmp_double() and ucx_cmp_float()

renames ucx_ptrcmp() to ucx_cmp_ptr()

renames ucx_memcmp() to ucx_cmp_mem()

renames ucx_sstrcmp() to ucx_cmp_sstr()

renames ucx_strncmp() to ucx_cmp_strn()

renames ucx_strcmp() to ucx_cmp_str()

closes constsstr branch constsstr

merges constsstr branch

Version 1.1 (library version 2:0:1).

fixes typo in modules.md v1.1

adds documentation for ucx_szmul and 32 bit support

comprehensive code example for the memory pool

documentation for the UcxStack

completes conversion to scstr constsstr

adjusts code sample for UcxMap

adds a code sample for UcxMap

documentation for the testing framework

fixes logger test case

documents (and fixes!) the UcxLogger

example code for the usage of a UcxList

adds deprecation notice for *_append/prepend_once()

adds ucx_sstrcmp() compare function to utils.h

adds ucx_list_prepend_once() and ucx_list_prepend_once_a()

adds new shift operations for UcxBuffer (including tests and a usage example in modules.md)

adds ucx_buffer_to_sstr() macro

makes sstrcat and sstrnlen scstr_t compatible constsstr

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