Tue, 09 Oct 2012 16:46:29 +0200
some fixes
/* * */ #include "memstream_tests.h" UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_memseektell) { char *buffer = malloc(16); memset(buffer, 32, 7); buffer[7] = 0; UcxMemstream *m = ucx_memopen(buffer, 16); int r; UCX_TEST_BEGIN r = ucx_memseek(m, 5, SEEK_SET); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 0, "seek SET+5 failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 5, "seek SET+5 set wrong position"); r = ucx_memseek(m, 20, SEEK_SET); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r != 0, "seek beyond bounds shall fail"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 5, "failed seek shall leave pos unchanged"); r = ucx_memseek(m, 5, SEEK_CUR); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 0, "seek CUR+5 failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 10, "seek CUR+5 set wrong position"); r = ucx_memseek(m, 10, SEEK_CUR); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r != 0, "seek CUR beyond bounds shall fail"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 10, "failed seek shall leave pos unchanged"); r = ucx_memseek(m, -5, SEEK_END); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 0, "seek END-5 failed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 2, "seek END-5 set wrong position"); r = ucx_memseek(m, -10, SEEK_END); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r != 0, "seek END beyond bounds shall fail"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 2, "failed seek shall leave pos unchanged"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_memclose(m); free(buffer); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_memputc) { char *buffer = malloc(16); memset(buffer, 32, 16); UcxMemstream *m = ucx_memopen(buffer, 16); int r; UCX_TEST_BEGIN ucx_memputc(m, 48); ucx_memputc(m, 48); ucx_memputc(m, 48); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 3, "pos wrong after first 3 puts"); ucx_memseek(m, 10, SEEK_CUR); ucx_memputc(m, 48); ucx_memputc(m, 48); ucx_memputc(m, 48); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 16, "pos wrong after last 3 puts"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memeof(m), "eof not set"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_memoverflow(m), "overflow shall not be set"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memputc(m, 48) == EOF, "put shall return EOF on memof"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(buffer, "000 000", 16) == 0, "buffer contains incorrect content"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_memclose(m); free(buffer); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_memgetc) { char *buffer = malloc(16); memset(buffer, 32, 8); for (int i = 8; i < 16 ; i++) { buffer[i] = 40+i; } UcxMemstream *m = ucx_memopen(buffer, 16); int r; UCX_TEST_BEGIN char rb[16]; for (int i = 0 ; i < 16 ; i++) { UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == i, "pos wrong during read loop"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_memeof(m), "EOF shall not be set during read loop"); rb[i] = ucx_memgetc(m); } UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 16, "pos wrong after read loop"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memeof(m), "EOF not set"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(rb, " 01234567", 16) == 0, "read data incorrect"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_memclose(m); free(buffer); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_memwrite) { char *buffer = malloc(16); memset(buffer, 32, 8); for (int i = 8; i < 16 ; i++) { buffer[i] = 40+i; } UcxMemstream *m = ucx_memopen(buffer, 16); int r; UCX_TEST_BEGIN char* teststring = "this is way too much"; r = ucx_memwrite(teststring, 1, 20, m); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 16, "string not correctly trimed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(buffer, teststring, 16) == 0, "buffer data incorrect"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memeof(m), "eof shall be set"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_memoverflow(m), "no overflow shall be caused"); ucx_memseek(m, 8, SEEK_SET); r = ucx_memwrite("not", 1, 3, m); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 3, "three bytes should be replace"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(buffer, "this is not too much", 16) == 0, "modified buffer is incorrect"); char* threebytestring = " t h r e e "; memset(buffer, 49, 16); ucx_memseek(m, 0, SEEK_SET); r = ucx_memwrite(threebytestring, 3, 6, m); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 15, "three byte string not correctly trimed"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 15, "position after write of three byte string incorrect"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_memeof(m), "eof shall not be set"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(buffer, " t h r e e1", 16) == 0, "bufer is incorrect after three byte string has been written"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_memclose(m); free(buffer); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_memread) { char *buffer = malloc(16); memset(buffer, 56, 8); for (int i = 8; i < 16 ; i++) { buffer[i] = 40+i; } UcxMemstream *m = ucx_memopen(buffer, 16); int r; UCX_TEST_BEGIN char rb[16]; memset(rb, 32, 16); ucx_memseek(m, 8, SEEK_SET); r = ucx_memread(rb, 1, 16, m); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 8, "read did not stop at buffer end"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(rb, "01234567 ", 16) == 0, "buffer incorrect after first read"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memeof(m), "eof shall be set"); ucx_memseek(m, 0, SEEK_SET); r = ucx_memread(rb+8, 1, 8, m); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 8, "read did not read the specified amount of bytes"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(rb, "0123456788888888", 16) == 0, "buffer incorrect after second read"); ucx_memseek(m, 0, SEEK_SET); r = ucx_memread(rb, 3, 6, m); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 15, "three byte read did not read the desired amount of bytes"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(rb, "8888888801234568", 16) == 0, "buffer incorrect after three byte read"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_memclose(m); free(buffer); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_memprintf) { char *buffer = malloc(32); UcxMemstream *m = ucx_memopen(buffer, 16); UCX_TEST_BEGIN int r = ucx_memprintf(m, "number: %d char: %c", 15, '6'); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 18, "incorrect number of bytes written"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memoverflow(m), "overflow shall be detected"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(buffer, "number: 15 char:", 16) == 0, "incorrect buffer content"); ucx_memseek(m, 0, SEEK_SET); ucx_memprintf(m, "a: %d - b: %d", 1, 2); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_memoverflow(m), "no overflow shall be deteceted"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(memcmp(buffer, "a: 1 - b: 2char:", 16), "incorrect modified buffer content"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 11, "incorrect position"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_memclose(m); free(buffer); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_memscanf) { char *buffer = "string 3.5 1 stuff"; UcxMemstream *m = ucx_memopen(buffer, 16); char s[6]; float f; int d; UCX_TEST_BEGIN int r = ucx_memscanf(m, "%s %f %d", s, &f, &d); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(r == 3, "3 arguments shall be read"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(s, "string", 6) == 0, "incorrect string"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(f == 3.5, "incorrect float"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(d == 1, "incorrect integer"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_memtell(m) == 12, "incorrect position"); UCX_TEST_END ucx_memclose(m); }