Thu, 16 Aug 2012 11:31:16 +0200
changed API of sort algorithms (no further hint for the algorithms used in preparation for the upcomming change from qsort to natural merge sort)
/* * */ #include "map_tests.h" UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_map_new) { UcxMap *map = ucx_map_new(16); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(map->size == 16, "wrong size") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(map->map != NULL, "failed") UCX_TEST_END ucx_map_free(map); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_key) { UcxKey key = ucx_key("This is a text.", 15); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(, "This is a text.", 15) == 0, "failed") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(key.len == 15, "failed") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(key.hash == 1261186027, "hash failed") UCX_TEST_END } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_map_put) { UcxMap *map = ucx_map_new(4); int td[5]; td[0] = 10; td[1] = 42; td[2] = 70; td[3] = 11200; td[4] = 80000; UCX_TEST_BEGIN ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "Key2", &td[2]); /* 0 */ ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "Key0", &td[0]); /* 0 */ ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "Key1", &td[1]); /* 3 */ ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "KeY3", &td[3]); /* 2 */ ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "KEY4", &td[4]); /* 0 */ UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*((int*)map->map[0]->data) == td[0], "failed Key0") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(map->map[0]->next != NULL, "no list at slot 0") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*((int*)map->map[0]->next->data) == td[2], "failed Key2") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(map->map[0]->next->next != NULL, "list corrupt at slot 0") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*((int*)map->map[0]->next->next->data) == td[4], "failed Key4") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(map->map[0]->next->next->next == NULL, "slot 0 not terminated") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(map->map[1] == NULL, "slot 1 not terminated") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*((int*)map->map[2]->data) == td[3], "failed KeY3") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(map->map[2]->next == NULL, "slot 2 not terminated") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*((int*)map->map[3]->data) == td[1], "failed Key1") ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "Key0", &td[3]); /* 0 */ UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*((int*)map->map[0]->data) == td[3], "overwrite failed") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*((int*)map->map[0]->next->data) == td[2], "overwrite failed") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(*((int*)map->map[0]->next->next->data) == td[4], "overwrite failed") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(map->map[0]->next->next->next == NULL, "overwrite failed") UCX_TEST_END ucx_map_free(map); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_map_get) { UcxMap *map = ucx_map_new(4); int td[5]; td[0] = 10; td[1] = 42; td[2] = 70; td[3] = 11200; td[4] = 80000; ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "Key2", &td[2]); /* 0 */ ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "Key0", &td[0]); /* 0 */ ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "Key1", &td[1]); /* 3 */ ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "KeY3", &td[3]); /* 2 */ ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "KEY4", &td[4]); /* 0 */ UCX_TEST_BEGIN td[0] = *((int*)ucx_map_cstr_get(map, "Key0")); td[1] = *((int*)ucx_map_cstr_get(map, "Key1")); td[2] = *((int*)ucx_map_cstr_get(map, "Key2")); td[3] = *((int*)ucx_map_cstr_get(map, "KeY3")); td[4] = *((int*)ucx_map_cstr_get(map, "KEY4")); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(td[0] == 10, "failed key 0") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(td[1] == 42, "failed key 1") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(td[2] == 70, "failed key 2") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(td[3] == 11200, "failed key 3") UCX_TEST_ASSERT(td[4] == 80000, "failed key 4") UCX_TEST_END ucx_map_free(map); } UCX_TEST_SUBROUTINE(test_ucx_map_itersrt, mapptr) { UcxMap *map = (UcxMap*) mapptr; int v1 = 10; int v2 = 15; int v3 = 7; int v4 = 9; ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "v1", &v1); ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "v2", &v2); ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "v3", &v3); ucx_map_cstr_put(map, "v4", &v4); UcxMapIterator i = ucx_map_iterator(map); int check = 0; int hit = 0; UCX_MAP_FOREACH(int*, v, map, i) { check += *v; hit++; } UCX_TEST_ASSERT(hit == 4, "test1: wrong number of hits"); UCX_TEST_ASSERT(check == v1+v2+v3+v4, "test1: wrong result"); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_map_iterator) { UcxMap *map = ucx_map_new(16); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_CALL_SUBROUTINE(test_ucx_map_itersrt, map) UCX_TEST_END ucx_map_free(map); } UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_map_iterator_chain) { UcxMap *map = ucx_map_new(1); UCX_TEST_BEGIN UCX_TEST_CALL_SUBROUTINE(test_ucx_map_itersrt, map) UCX_TEST_END ucx_map_free(map); }