
Thu, 16 Aug 2012 11:31:16 +0200

Mike Becker <universe@uap-core.de>
Thu, 16 Aug 2012 11:31:16 +0200
changeset 36
parent 35
child 40

changed API of sort algorithms (no further hint for the algorithms used in preparation for the upcomming change from qsort to natural merge sort)

     1 /*
     2  * tests of dlist implementation
     3  */
     5 #include "dlist_tests.h"
     7 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_append) {
     8     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "Hello");
     9     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
    11     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(list->data, "Hello", 5) == 0, "failed")
    13     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, " World!");
    15     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(list->next->data, " World!", 7) == 0, "failed")
    16     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->next == NULL, "failed")
    17     UCX_TEST_END
    19     ucx_dlist_free(list);
    20 }
    22 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_prepend) {
    23     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_prepend(NULL, " World!");
    24     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
    26     list = ucx_dlist_prepend(list, "Hello");
    28     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(list->data, "Hello", 5) == 0, "failed")
    29     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(list->next->data, " World!", 7) == 0, "failed")
    30     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->next == NULL, "failed")
    32     UCX_TEST_END
    33     ucx_dlist_free(list);
    34 }
    36 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_equals) {
    37     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "Hello");
    38     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, " World!");
    39     UcxDlist *list2 = ucx_dlist_prepend(NULL, " World!");
    40     list2 = ucx_dlist_prepend(list2, "Hello");
    41     UcxDlist *list3 = ucx_dlist_prepend(NULL, " Welt!");
    42     list3 = ucx_dlist_prepend(list3, "Hallo");
    43     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
    45     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_dlist_equals(list, list2, cmp_string, NULL), "failed")
    46     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(!ucx_dlist_equals(list, list3, cmp_string, NULL), "failed")
    48     UCX_TEST_END
    49     ucx_dlist_free(list3);
    50     ucx_dlist_free(list2);
    51     ucx_dlist_free(list);
    52 }
    54 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_concat) {
    55     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "Hello");
    56     UcxDlist *list2 = ucx_dlist_prepend(NULL, " World!");
    57     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
    59     list = ucx_dlist_concat(list, list2);
    61     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(list->data, "Hello", 5) == 0, "failed")
    62     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(list->next->data, " World!", 7) == 0, "failed")
    63     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->next == NULL, "failed")
    65     UCX_TEST_END
    66     ucx_dlist_free(list);
    67 }
    69 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_size) {
    70     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "This ");
    71     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
    72     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "list ");
    73     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "has ");
    74     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "size ");
    75     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "5!");
    77     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_dlist_size(list) == 5, "failed");
    79     UCX_TEST_END
    80     ucx_dlist_free(list);
    81 }
    83 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_first) {
    84     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "Find ");
    85     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
    86     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "the ");
    87     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "first!");
    89     char* first = (char*) (ucx_dlist_first(list)->data);
    91     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(first, "Find ", 5) == 0, "failed");
    93     UCX_TEST_END
    94     ucx_dlist_free(list);
    95 }
    97 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_last) {
    98     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "Find ");
    99     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
   100     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "the ");
   101     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "last!");
   103     char* last = (char*) (ucx_dlist_last(list)->data);
   105     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(last, "last!", 5) == 0, "failed");
   107     UCX_TEST_END
   108     ucx_dlist_free(list);
   109 }
   111 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_get) {
   112     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "Find ");
   113     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
   114     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "the ");
   115     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "mid!");
   117     char* mid = (char*) (ucx_dlist_get(list, 1)->data);
   119     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(mid, "the ", 4) == 0, "failed");
   121     UCX_TEST_END
   122     ucx_dlist_free(list);
   123 }
   125 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_remove) {
   126     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "Hello");
   127     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
   128     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, " fucking");
   129     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, " World!");
   131     list = ucx_dlist_remove(list, ucx_dlist_get(list, 1));
   133     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(list->data, "Hello", 5) == 0, "failed")
   134     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(strncmp(list->next->data, " World!", 7) == 0, "failed")
   135     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(list->next->next == NULL, "failed")
   137     UCX_TEST_END
   138     ucx_dlist_free(list);
   139 }
   141 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_clone) {
   143     char *hello = (char*)malloc(6);
   144     char *world = (char*)malloc(8);
   146     memcpy(hello, "Hello", 6);
   147     memcpy(world, " World!", 8);
   149     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, hello);
   150     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, world);
   152     UcxDlist *copy = ucx_dlist_clone(list, copy_string, NULL);
   153     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
   155     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(ucx_dlist_equals(list, copy, cmp_string, NULL), "failed")
   156     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(hello != copy->data, "first element is no copy")
   157     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(world != copy->next->data, "second element is no copy")
   159     UCX_TEST_END
   160     free(copy->next->data);
   161     free(copy->data);
   163     free(world);
   164     free(hello);
   165     ucx_dlist_free(list);
   166     ucx_dlist_free(copy);
   167 }
   169 UCX_TEST_IMPLEMENT(test_ucx_dlist_sort) {
   170     UcxDlist *list = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "this");
   171     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "is");
   172     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "a");
   173     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "test");
   174     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "for");
   175     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "partial");
   176     list = ucx_dlist_append(list, "correctness");
   178     UcxDlist *expected = ucx_dlist_append(NULL, "a");
   179     expected = ucx_dlist_append(expected, "correctness");
   180     expected = ucx_dlist_append(expected, "for");
   181     expected = ucx_dlist_append(expected, "is");
   182     expected = ucx_dlist_append(expected, "partial");
   183     expected = ucx_dlist_append(expected, "test");
   184     expected = ucx_dlist_append(expected, "this");
   186     list = ucx_dlist_sort(list, cmp_string, NULL);
   188     UCX_TEST_BEGIN
   189     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(
   190             ucx_dlist_equals(list, expected, cmp_string, NULL), "failed");
   191     UcxDlist *l = list;
   192     UCX_TEST_ASSERT(l->prev == NULL, "prev field of first entry is not null");
   193     while (l->next != NULL) {
   194         UCX_TEST_ASSERT(l->next->prev == l, "prev pointer corrupted");
   195         l = l->next;
   196     }
   197     UCX_TEST_END
   199     ucx_dlist_free(expected);
   200     ucx_dlist_free(list);
   201 }
