Tue, 02 Jan 2018 17:00:21 +0100
ucx_buffere_getc should return an unsigned char (0-255) or EOF (-1)
--- title: Build Instructions --- The install procedure is the same on all supported platforms. For Microsoft Windows, however, you will need an appropriate port of the linux tools (like MinGW or Cygwin). First, download the source code from [Source Forge][1]. wget https://sourceforge.net/projects/ucx/files/ucx-latest.tar.gz tar -xzf ucx-latest.tar.gz cd ucx-latest Then issue the `configure` and `make` commands. ./configure && make To verify your installment you can issue `make check`. If everything is fine, you can install UCX with make install Note, that you might need administrative privileges for a system wide installation. [1]: https://sourceforge.net/projects/ucx/files/