
changeset 883
parent 855
child 884
--- a/src/cx/array_list.h	Tue Sep 17 19:08:22 2024 +0200
+++ b/src/cx/array_list.h	Tue Sep 17 19:38:41 2024 +0200
@@ -55,6 +55,8 @@
  * @see cx_array_simple_add()
  * @see cx_array_simple_copy()
  * @see cx_array_initialize()
+ * @see cx_array_simple_add_sorted()
+ * @see cx_array_simple_insert_sorted()
 #define CX_ARRAY_DECLARE(type, name) \
     type * name;                     \
@@ -147,7 +149,8 @@
  * @param target a pointer to the target array
  * @param size a pointer to the size of the target array
  * @param capacity a pointer to the target array's capacity -
- * \c NULL if only the size shall be used to bound the array
+ * \c NULL if only the size shall be used to bound the array (reallocations
+ * will NOT be supported in that case)
  * @param index the index where the copied elements shall be placed
  * @param src the source array
  * @param elem_size the size of one element
@@ -174,6 +177,7 @@
  * @param index the index where the copied elements shall be placed
  * @param src the source array
  * @param count the number of elements to copy
 #define cx_array_simple_copy(array, index, src, count) \
     cx_array_copy((void**)&(array), &(array##_size), &(array##_capacity), \
@@ -202,14 +206,94 @@
     cx_array_copy((void**)(target), size, capacity, *(size), elem, elem_size, 1, reallocator)
- * Convenience macro that uses cx_array_add() with a default layout and the default reallocator.
+ * Convenience macro that uses cx_array_add() with a default layout and
+ * the default reallocator.
  * @param array the name of the array (NOT a pointer to the array)
  * @param elem the element to add (NOT a pointer, address is automatically taken)
 #define cx_array_simple_add(array, elem) \
     cx_array_simple_copy(array, array##_size, &(elem), 1)
+ * Inserts a sorted array into another sorted array.
+ *
+ * If either the target or the source array is not already sorted with respect
+ * to the specified \p cmp_func, the behavior is undefined.
+ *
+ * If the capacity is insufficient to hold the new data, a reallocation
+ * attempt is made.
+ *
+ * @param target a pointer to the target array
+ * @param size a pointer to the size of the target array
+ * @param capacity a pointer to the target array's capacity
+ * @param cmp_func the compare function for the elements
+ * @param src the source array
+ * @param elem_size the size of one element
+ * @param elem_count the number of elements to insert
+ * @param reallocator the array reallocator to use
+ * @return zero on success, non-zero error code on failure
+ */
+enum cx_array_result cx_array_insert_sorted(
+        void **target,
+        size_t *size,
+        size_t *capacity,
+        cx_compare_func cmp_func,
+        void const *src,
+        size_t elem_size,
+        size_t elem_count,
+        struct cx_array_reallocator_s *reallocator
+) __attribute__((__nonnull__));
+ * Inserts an element into a sorted array.
+ *
+ * If the target array is not already sorted with respect
+ * to the specified \p cmp_func, the behavior is undefined.
+ *
+ * If the capacity is insufficient to hold the new data, a reallocation
+ * attempt is made.
+ *
+ * @param target a pointer to the target array
+ * @param size a pointer to the size of the target array
+ * @param capacity a pointer to the target array's capacity
+ * @param elem_size the size of one element
+ * @param elem a pointer to the element to add
+ * @param reallocator the array reallocator to use
+ * @return zero on success, non-zero error code on failure
+ */
+#define cx_array_add_sorted(target, size, capacity, elem_size, elem, cmp_func, reallocator) \
+    cx_array_insert_sorted((void**)(target), size, capacity, cmp_func, elem, elem_size, 1, reallocator)
+ * Convenience macro for cx_array_add_sorted() with a default
+ * layout and the default reallocator.
+ *
+ * @param array the name of the array (NOT a pointer to the array)
+ * @param elem the element to add (NOT a pointer, address is automatically taken)
+ * @param cmp_func the compare function for the elements
+ */
+#define cx_array_simple_add_sorted(array, elem, cmp_func) \
+    cx_array_add_sorted(&array, &(array##_size), &(array##_capacity), \
+        sizeof((array)[0]), &(elem), cmp_func, cx_array_default_reallocator)
+ * Convenience macro for cx_array_insert_sorted() with a default
+ * layout and the default reallocator.
+ *
+ * @param array the name of the array (NOT a pointer to the array)
+ * @param src pointer to the source array
+ * @param n number of elements in the source array
+ * @param cmp_func the compare function for the elements
+ */
+#define cx_array_simple_insert_sorted(array, src, n, cmp_func) \
+    cx_array_insert_sorted((void**)(&array), &(array##_size), &(array##_capacity), \
+        cmp_func, src, sizeof((array)[0]), n, cx_array_default_reallocator)
  * Swaps two array elements.
