
changeset 27
parent 24
child 29
--- a/src/main.cpp	Tue Feb 18 18:37:33 2025 +0100
+++ b/src/main.cpp	Tue Feb 18 18:43:01 2025 +0100
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
         "   -d, --depth <num>         The search depth (default: 1, max: 255)\n"
         "   -f, --fragment            Output as fragment\n"
         "   -h, --help                Print this help message\n"
-        "   -n, --no-pull             Do not pull the repositories\n"
+        "   -p, --pull                Try to pull the repositories\n"
         "   -s, --separate            Output a separate heat map for each repository\n"
         "   -y, --year <year>         The year for which to create the heat map\n"
         "       --hg <path>           Path to hg binary (default: /usr/bin/hg)\n"
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@
         "By default, the recursion \033[1mdepth\033[22m is one, meaning that this tool assumes that\n"
         "each \033[1mpath\033[22m is either a repository or contains repositories as subdirectories.\n"
         "You can change the \033[1mdepth\033[22m to support other directory structures.\n\n"
-        "When you do not specify \033[1m--no-pull\033[22m, this tool will execute the pull command\n"
+        "When you specify the \033[1m--pull\033[22m option, this tool will execute the pull command\n"
         "(and for hg the update command) before retrieving the commit log, assuming\n"
         "to be on the default branch with \033[4mno uncommitted changes\033[24m. If pulling leads to\n"
         "an error, an error message is written to stderr and the process continues\n"
         "with the repository in its current state. This is also the case when pulling\n"
-        "requires authorization.\n\n"
+        "would require authorization.\n\n"
         "By default, this tool reports commits from all authors. If you want to include\n"
         "only specific authors in the report, you can use the \033[1m--author\033[22m option with as\n"
         "many authors as you like. You can specify either the full author strings with\n"
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@
                 fputs("missing author name\n", stderr);
                 return -1;
-        } else if (chk_arg(argv[i], "-n", "--no-pull")) {
-            settings.update_repos = false;
+        } else if (chk_arg(argv[i], "-p", "--pull")) {
+            settings.update_repos = true;
         } else if (chk_arg(argv[i], "-f", "--fragment")) {
             settings.fragment = true;
         } else if (chk_arg(argv[i], "-s", "--separate")) {
