
Fri, 27 May 2011 14:45:16 +0200

Mike Becker <>
Fri, 27 May 2011 14:45:16 +0200
changeset 6
parent 5
child 7

encapsulated suffix list in type suffix_list_t

     1 #include "cline.h"
     2 #include "functions.h"
     4 suffix_list_t* new_suffix_list_t() {
     5   suffix_list_t* suffixList = malloc(sizeof(suffix_list_t*));
     6   suffixList->count = 0;
     7   suffixList->items = NULL;
     8 }
    10 void destroy_suffix_list_t(suffix_list_t* list) {
    11   while (--list->count >= 0) {
    12     free(list->items[list->count]);
    13   }
    14   free(list);
    15 }
    17 void add_suffix(suffix_list_t* list, char* item) {
    18   char** reallocated_list =
    19     realloc(list->items, sizeof(char**) * list->count + 1);
    20   if (reallocated_list != NULL) {
    21     list->items = reallocated_list;
    22     list->items[list->count] = item;
    23     list->count++;
    24   }
    25 }
    27 settings_t* new_settings_t() {
    28   settings_t *settings = malloc(sizeof(settings_t*));
    29   if (settings != NULL) {
    30   #ifdef _WIN32
    31     settings->fileSeparator      = '\\';
    32   #else
    33     settings->fileSeparator      = '/';
    34   #endif /* _WIN32 */
    35     settings->recursive          = false;
    36     settings->includeSuffixes    = false;
    37     settings->matchesOnly        = false;
    38     settings->suffixList         = new_suffix_list_t();
    39   }
    41   return settings;
    42 }
    44 void destroy_settings_t(settings_t* settings) {
    45   destroy_suffix_list_t(settings->suffixList);
    46   free(settings);
    47 }
    49 void printHelpText(const char* prgName) {
    50   // Help text
    51   const char* helpText = 
    52     "\nUsage:"
    53     "\n      %s [-hrm][-s suffix][<directory>]"
    54     "\n      %s [-hrm][-S suffix][<directory>]"
    55     "\n\nCounts the line terminator characters (\\n) within all"
    56     " files in the specified\ndirectory."
    57     "\n\nOptions:"
    58     "\n  -h, --help          - this help text"
    59     "\n  -m                  - print information about matching files only"
    60     "\n  -s <suffixes>       - only count files with these suffixes (separated"
    61     "\n                        by commas)"
    62     "\n  -S <suffixes>       - count any file except those with these suffixes"
    63     "\n                        (separated by commas)"
    64     "\n  -r, -R              - includes subdirectories"
    65     "\n\n"
    66     "The default call without any options is:"    
    67     "\n  %s ./\n"
    68     "That means each file in each subdirectory is counted. If you want to count"
    69     "\nC source code in your working directory and its subdirectories, type:"
    70     "\n  %s -rs .c\n";
    72   printf(helpText, prgName, prgName, prgName, prgName);
    73 }
    75 int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    77   // Settings
    78   settings_t *settings = new_settings_t();
    79   if (settings == NULL) {
    80     fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failed.\n");
    81     return 1;
    82   }
    84   // Program name
    85   char* prgName = strrchr(argv[0], settings->fileSeparator);
    87   if (prgName == NULL) {
    88     prgName = argv[0];
    89   } else {
    90     prgName++;
    91   }
    93   // Defaults
    94   char* _suffix = " ";
    95   char _directory[3];
    96   _directory[0] = '.';
    97   _directory[1] = settings->fileSeparator;
    98   _directory[2] = 0;
   100   // Get arguments
   101   char* directory;
   102   char* suffix;
   103   bool showHelp = false;
   104   char checked = 0;
   106   for (int t = 1 ; t < argc ; t++) {
   108     int argflags = checkArgument(argv[t], "hsSrRm");
   110     // s
   111     if ((argflags & 2) > 0) {
   112       if ((checked & 1) > 0) {
   113         printHelpText(prgName);
   114         destroy_settings_t(settings);
   115         return 1;
   116       }
   117       settings->includeSuffixes = true;
   118       t++;
   119       if (t >= argc) {
   120         printHelpText(prgName);
   121         destroy_settings_t(settings);
   122         return 1;
   123       }
   124       suffix = argv[t]; 
   125       checked |= 1;
   126     }
   127     // S
   128     if ((argflags & 4) > 0) {
   129       if ((checked & 1) > 0) {
   130         printHelpText(prgName);
   131         destroy_settings_t(settings);
   132         return 1;
   133       }
   134       settings->includeSuffixes = false;
   135       t++;
   136       if (t >= argc) {
   137         printHelpText(prgName);
   138         destroy_settings_t(settings);
   139         return 1;
   140       }
   141       suffix = argv[t];
   142       checked |= 1;
   143     }
   144     // h
   145     if ((argflags & 1) > 0 || strcmp(argv[t], "--help") == 0) {
   146       if ((checked & 2) > 0) {
   147         printHelpText(prgName);
   148         destroy_settings_t(settings);
   149         return 1;
   150       }
   151       checked |= 2;
   152       showHelp = true;
   153     }
   154     // r, R
   155     if ((argflags & 24) > 0) {
   156       if ((checked & 4) > 0) {
   157         printHelpText(prgName);
   158         destroy_settings_t(settings);
   159         return 1;
   160       }
   161       checked |= 4;
   162       settings->recursive = true;
   163     }
   164     if ((argflags & 32) > 0) {
   165       if ((checked & 32) > 0) {
   166         printHelpText(prgName);
   167         destroy_settings_t(settings);
   168         return 1;
   169       }
   170       checked |= 32;
   171       settings->matchesOnly = true;
   172     }
   173     // Path
   174     if (argflags == 0) {
   175       if ((checked & 8) > 0) {
   176         printHelpText(prgName);
   177         destroy_settings_t(settings);
   178         return 1;
   179       }
   180       checked |= 8;
   181       directory = argv[t];
   182     }
   183   }
   185   // Show help and quit
   186   if (showHelp) {
   187     printHelpText(prgName);
   188     destroy_settings_t(settings);
   189     return 0;
   190   }
   192   // Default values
   193   if ((checked & 1) == 0) {
   194     suffix = _suffix;
   195   }
   197   if ((checked & 8) == 0) {
   198     directory = _directory;
   199   }
   201   // Find tokens
   202   char* finder = strtok(suffix, ",");
   203   while (finder != NULL) {
   204     add_suffix(settings->suffixList, finder);
   205     finder = strtok(NULL, ",");
   206   }
   208   // Open directory
   209   DIR *dir = opendir(directory);
   210   if (dir == NULL) {
   211     perror("Operation failed");
   212     destroy_settings_t(settings);
   213     return 1;
   214   }
   216   // Scan directory
   217   int lines = scanDirectory(dir, 0, directory, settings);
   218   closedir(dir);
   220   // Print double line and line count
   221   #ifdef _WIN32
   222     const int columns = 79;
   223   #else
   224     const int columns = 80;
   225   #endif /* _WIN32 */
   227   for (int t = 0 ; t < columns ; t++) {
   228     printf("=");
   229   }
   230   #ifdef _WIN32
   231     printf("\n%73d lines\n", lines);
   232   #else
   233     printf("\n%74d lines\n", lines);
   234   #endif /* _WIN32 */
   236   destroy_settings_t(settings);
   238   return 0;
   239 }
