
Thu, 01 Dec 2011 17:04:30 +0100

Mike Becker <>
Thu, 01 Dec 2011 17:04:30 +0100
changeset 25
parent 23
child 27

Added line buffer (and warning message - there is no regexp parser, though)

     1 /*
     2  * scanner.c
     3  *
     4  *  Created on: 23.05.2011
     5  *      Author: Mike
     6  */
     9 #include "scanner.h"
    10 #include "suffix_fnc.h"
    11 #include "bfile_heuristics.h"
    12 #include <sys/stat.h>
    14 int scanDirectory(scanner_t scanner, settings_t* settings) {
    16   DIR *dirf;
    17   struct dirent *entry;
    18   int lines, a;
    19   int lineSum = 0;
    20   bool bfile;
    21   struct stat statbuf;
    23   if ((dirf = opendir(scanner.dir)) == NULL) {
    24     printf(scanner.dir);
    25     perror("  Directory access failed");
    26     return 0;
    27   }
    29   while ((entry = readdir(dirf)) != NULL) {
    30     if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") != 0) {
    31       /* Construct tree view and absolute pathname strings */
    32       char entryname[strlen(entry->d_name)+scanner.spaces];
    33       for (int t = 0 ; t < scanner.spaces ; t++) {
    34         entryname[t]=' ';
    35       }
    36       entryname[scanner.spaces] = 0;
    37       strcat(entryname, entry->d_name);
    39       char filename[(1+strlen(scanner.dir)+strlen(entry->d_name))];
    40       strcpy(filename, scanner.dir);
    41       strncat(filename, &settings->fileSeparator, 1);
    42       strcat(filename, entry->d_name);
    44       /* Check for subdirectory */
    45       if (stat(filename, &statbuf) == 0) {
    46         if (!(statbuf.st_mode & S_IFREG)) {
    47           printf("%-60s\n", entryname);
    48           if (settings->recursive && (statbuf.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) {
    49             lineSum += scanDirectory(
    50                 (scanner_t) {filename, scanner.spaces+1}, settings);
    51           }
    52           continue;
    53         }
    54       } else {
    55         perror("  Error in stat call");
    56         continue;
    57       }
    59       if (testSuffix(filename, settings)) {
    60         /* Count lines */
    61         lines = 0;
    62         bfile = false;
    63         bfile_reset(settings->bfileHeuristics);
    64         char line_buffer[2048];
    65         int line_buffer_offset = 0;
    67         FILE *file = fopen(filename, "r");
    68         if (file == NULL) {
    69           printf(entryname);
    70           perror("  File acces failed");
    71           continue;
    72         }
    74         do {
    75           a = fgetc(file);
    77           bfile = bfile_check(settings->bfileHeuristics, a);
    79           if (a == 10) {
    80             line_buffer[line_buffer_offset] = 0;
    81             /* TODO: do regex parsing */
    83             line_buffer_offset = 0;
    84             lines++;
    85           } else {
    86             if (line_buffer_offset < 2048) {
    87               line_buffer[line_buffer_offset] = a;
    88               line_buffer_offset++;
    89             } else {
    90               line_buffer[line_buffer_offset-1] = 0;
    91               settings->confusing_lnlen = true;
    92             }
    93           }
    94         } while (!bfile && a != EOF);
    95         fclose(file);
    97         /* Print and sum line count */
    98         if (bfile) {
    99           if (!settings->matchesOnly) {
   100             printf("%-60s%19s\n", entryname, "binary");
   101           }
   102         } else {
   103           lineSum += lines;
   104           printf("%-60s%13d lines\n", entryname, lines);
   105         }
   106       } else {
   107         if (!settings->matchesOnly) {
   108           /* Print hint */
   109           printf("%-60s%19s\n", entryname, "no match");
   110         }
   111       }
   112     }
   113   }
   115   closedir(dirf);
   117   return lineSum;
   118 }
