Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:08:16 +0100
fix macro constants never highlighted in java highlighter
/* * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS HEADER. * * Copyright 2014 Mike Becker. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR * CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS * INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN * CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE * POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ #include "rules.h" #include "chess.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/time.h> static GameState gamestate_copy_sim(GameState *gamestate) { GameState simulation = *gamestate; if (simulation.lastmove) { MoveList *lastmovecopy = malloc(sizeof(MoveList)); *lastmovecopy = *(simulation.lastmove); simulation.movelist = simulation.lastmove = lastmovecopy; } return simulation; } void gamestate_init(GameState *gamestate) { memset(gamestate, 0, sizeof(GameState)); Board initboard = { {WROOK, WKNIGHT, WBISHOP, WQUEEN, WKING, WBISHOP, WKNIGHT, WROOK}, {WPAWN, WPAWN, WPAWN, WPAWN, WPAWN, WPAWN, WPAWN, WPAWN}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, {BPAWN, BPAWN, BPAWN, BPAWN, BPAWN, BPAWN, BPAWN, BPAWN}, {BROOK, BKNIGHT, BBISHOP, BQUEEN, BKING, BBISHOP, BKNIGHT, BROOK} }; memcpy(gamestate->board, initboard, sizeof(Board)); } void gamestate_cleanup(GameState *gamestate) { MoveList *elem; elem = gamestate->movelist; while (elem) { MoveList *cur = elem; elem = elem->next; free(cur); }; } /* MUST be called IMMEDIATLY after applying a move to work correctly */ static void format_move(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) { char *string = move->string; /* at least 8 characters should be available, wipe them out */ memset(string, 0, 8); /* special formats for castling */ if ((move->piece&PIECE_MASK) == KING && abs(move->tofile-move->fromfile) == 2) { if (move->tofile==fileidx('c')) { memcpy(string, "O-O-O", 5); } else { memcpy(string, "O-O", 3); } } /* start by notating the piece character */ string[0] = getpiecechr(move->piece); int idx = string[0] ? 1 : 0; /* find out how many source information we do need */ uint8_t piece = move->piece & PIECE_MASK; if (piece == PAWN) { if (move->capture) { string[idx++] = filechr(move->fromfile); } } else if (piece != KING) { Move threats[16]; uint8_t threatcount; get_real_threats(gamestate, move->torow, move->tofile, move->piece&COLOR_MASK, threats, &threatcount); if (threatcount > 1) { int ambrows = 0, ambfiles = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < threatcount ; i++) { if (threats[i].fromrow == move->fromrow) { ambrows++; } if (threats[i].fromfile == move->fromfile) { ambfiles++; } } /* ambiguous row, name file */ if (ambrows > 1) { string[idx++] = filechr(move->fromfile); } /* ambiguous file, name row */ if (ambfiles > 1) { string[idx++] = filechr(move->fromrow); } } } /* capturing? */ if (move->capture) { string[idx++] = 'x'; } /* destination */ string[idx++] = filechr(move->tofile); string[idx++] = rowchr(move->torow); /* promotion? */ if (move->promotion) { string[idx++] = '='; string[idx++] = getpiecechr(move->promotion); } /* check? */ if (move->check) { /* works only, if this function is called when applying the move */ string[idx++] = gamestate->checkmate?'#':'+'; } } static void addmove(GameState* gamestate, Move *move) { MoveList *elem = malloc(sizeof(MoveList)); elem->next = NULL; elem->move = *move; struct timeval curtimestamp; gettimeofday(&curtimestamp, NULL); elem->move.timestamp.tv_sec = curtimestamp.tv_sec; elem->move.timestamp.tv_usec = curtimestamp.tv_usec; if (gamestate->lastmove) { struct movetimeval *lasttstamp = &(gamestate->lastmove->move.timestamp); uint64_t sec = curtimestamp.tv_sec - lasttstamp->tv_sec; suseconds_t micros; if (curtimestamp.tv_usec < lasttstamp->tv_usec) { micros = 1e6L-(lasttstamp->tv_usec - curtimestamp.tv_usec); sec--; } else { micros = curtimestamp.tv_usec - lasttstamp->tv_usec; } elem->move.movetime.tv_sec = sec; elem->move.movetime.tv_usec = micros; gamestate->lastmove->next = elem; gamestate->lastmove = elem; } else { elem->move.movetime.tv_usec = 0; elem->move.movetime.tv_sec = 0; gamestate->movelist = gamestate->lastmove = elem; } } char getpiecechr(uint8_t piece) { switch (piece & PIECE_MASK) { case ROOK: return 'R'; case KNIGHT: return 'N'; case BISHOP: return 'B'; case QUEEN: return 'Q'; case KING: return 'K'; default: return '\0'; } } uint8_t getpiece(char c) { switch (c) { case 'R': return ROOK; case 'N': return KNIGHT; case 'B': return BISHOP; case 'Q': return QUEEN; case 'K': return KING; default: return 0; } } static void apply_move_impl(GameState *gamestate, Move *move, _Bool simulate) { uint8_t piece = move->piece & PIECE_MASK; uint8_t color = move->piece & COLOR_MASK; /* en passant capture */ if (move->capture && piece == PAWN && mdst(gamestate->board, move) == 0) { gamestate->board[move->fromrow][move->tofile] = 0; } /* remove old en passant threats */ for (uint8_t file = 0 ; file < 8 ; file++) { gamestate->board[3][file] &= ~ENPASSANT_THREAT; gamestate->board[4][file] &= ~ENPASSANT_THREAT; } /* add new en passant threat */ if (piece == PAWN && ( (move->fromrow == 1 && move->torow == 3) || (move->fromrow == 6 && move->torow == 4))) { move->piece |= ENPASSANT_THREAT; } /* move (and maybe capture or promote) */ msrc(gamestate->board, move) = 0; if (move->promotion) { mdst(gamestate->board, move) = move->promotion; } else { mdst(gamestate->board, move) = move->piece; } /* castling */ if (piece == KING && move->fromfile == fileidx('e')) { if (move->tofile == fileidx('g')) { gamestate->board[move->torow][fileidx('h')] = 0; gamestate->board[move->torow][fileidx('f')] = color|ROOK; } else if (move->tofile == fileidx('c')) { gamestate->board[move->torow][fileidx('a')] = 0; gamestate->board[move->torow][fileidx('d')] = color|ROOK; } } if (!simulate) { if (!move->string[0]) { format_move(gamestate, move); } } /* add move, even in simulation (checkmate test needs it) */ addmove(gamestate, move); } void apply_move(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) { apply_move_impl(gamestate, move, 0); } static int validate_move_rules(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) { /* validate indices (don't trust opponent) */ if (!chkidx(move)) { return INVALID_POSITION; } /* must move */ if (move->fromfile == move->tofile && move->fromrow == move->torow) { return INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX; } /* does piece exist */ if ((msrc(gamestate->board, move)&(PIECE_MASK|COLOR_MASK)) != (move->piece&(PIECE_MASK|COLOR_MASK))) { return INVALID_POSITION; } /* can't capture own pieces */ if ((mdst(gamestate->board, move) & COLOR_MASK) == (move->piece & COLOR_MASK)) { return RULES_VIOLATED; } /* must capture, if and only if destination is occupied */ if ((mdst(gamestate->board, move) == 0 && move->capture) || (mdst(gamestate->board, move) != 0 && !move->capture)) { return INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX; } /* validate individual rules */ _Bool chkrules; switch (move->piece & PIECE_MASK) { case PAWN: chkrules = pawn_chkrules(gamestate, move) && !pawn_isblocked(gamestate, move); break; case ROOK: chkrules = rook_chkrules(move) && !rook_isblocked(gamestate, move); break; case KNIGHT: chkrules = knight_chkrules(move); /* knight is never blocked */ break; case BISHOP: chkrules = bishop_chkrules(move) && !bishop_isblocked(gamestate, move); break; case QUEEN: chkrules = queen_chkrules(move) && !queen_isblocked(gamestate, move); break; case KING: chkrules = king_chkrules(gamestate, move) && !king_isblocked(gamestate, move); break; default: return INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX; } return chkrules ? VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS : RULES_VIOLATED; } int validate_move(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) { int result = validate_move_rules(gamestate, move); /* cancel processing to save resources */ if (result != VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS) { return result; } /* find kings for check validation */ uint8_t piececolor = (move->piece & COLOR_MASK); uint8_t mykingfile = 0, mykingrow = 0, opkingfile = 0, opkingrow = 0; for (uint8_t row = 0 ; row < 8 ; row++) { for (uint8_t file = 0 ; file < 8 ; file++) { if (gamestate->board[row][file] == (piececolor == WHITE?WKING:BKING)) { mykingfile = file; mykingrow = row; } else if (gamestate->board[row][file] == (piececolor == WHITE?BKING:WKING)) { opkingfile = file; opkingrow = row; } } } /* simulate move for check validation */ GameState simulation = gamestate_copy_sim(gamestate); Move simmove = *move; apply_move_impl(&simulation, &simmove, 1); /* don't move into or stay in check position */ if (is_covered(&simulation, mykingrow, mykingfile, opponent_color(piececolor))) { gamestate_cleanup(&simulation); if ((move->piece & PIECE_MASK) == KING) { return KING_MOVES_INTO_CHECK; } else { /* last move is always not null in this case */ return gamestate->lastmove->move.check ? KING_IN_CHECK : PIECE_PINNED; } } /* correct check and checkmate flags (move is still valid) */ Move threats[16]; uint8_t threatcount; move->check = get_threats(&simulation, opkingrow, opkingfile, piececolor, threats, &threatcount); if (move->check) { /* determine possible escape fields */ _Bool canescape = 0; for (int dr = -1 ; dr <= 1 && !canescape ; dr++) { for (int df = -1 ; df <= 1 && !canescape ; df++) { if (!(dr == 0 && df == 0) && isidx(opkingrow + dr) && isidx(opkingfile + df)) { /* escape field neither blocked nor covered */ if ((simulation.board[opkingrow + dr][opkingfile + df] & COLOR_MASK) != opponent_color(piececolor)) { canescape |= !is_covered(&simulation, opkingrow + dr, opkingfile + df, piececolor); } } } } /* can't escape, can he capture? */ if (!canescape && threatcount == 1) { canescape = is_attacked(&simulation, threats[0].fromrow, threats[0].fromfile, opponent_color(piececolor)); } /* can't capture, can he block? */ if (!canescape && threatcount == 1) { Move *threat = &(threats[0]); uint8_t threatpiece = threat->piece & PIECE_MASK; /* knight, pawns and the king cannot be blocked */ if (threatpiece == BISHOP || threatpiece == ROOK || threatpiece == QUEEN) { if (threat->fromrow == threat->torow) { /* rook aspect (on row) */ int d = threat->tofile > threat->fromfile ? 1 : -1; uint8_t file = threat->fromfile; while (!canescape && file != threat->tofile - d) { file += d; canescape |= is_protected(&simulation, threat->torow, file, opponent_color(piececolor)); } } else if (threat->fromfile == threat->tofile) { /* rook aspect (on file) */ int d = threat->torow > threat->fromrow ? 1 : -1; uint8_t row = threat->fromrow; while (!canescape && row != threat->torow - d) { row += d; canescape |= is_protected(&simulation, row, threat->tofile, opponent_color(piececolor)); } } else { /* bishop aspect */ int dr = threat->torow > threat->fromrow ? 1 : -1; int df = threat->tofile > threat->fromfile ? 1 : -1; uint8_t row = threat->fromrow; uint8_t file = threat->fromfile; while (!canescape && file != threat->tofile - df && row != threat->torow - dr) { row += dr; file += df; canescape |= is_protected(&simulation, row, file, opponent_color(piececolor)); } } } } if (!canescape) { gamestate->checkmate = 1; } } gamestate_cleanup(&simulation); return VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS; } _Bool get_threats(GameState *gamestate, uint8_t row, uint8_t file, uint8_t color, Move *threats, uint8_t *threatcount) { Move candidates[32]; int candidatecount = 0; for (uint8_t r = 0 ; r < 8 ; r++) { for (uint8_t f = 0 ; f < 8 ; f++) { if ((gamestate->board[r][f] & COLOR_MASK) == color) { // non-capturing move memset(&(candidates[candidatecount]), 0, sizeof(Move)); candidates[candidatecount].piece = gamestate->board[r][f]; candidates[candidatecount].fromrow = r; candidates[candidatecount].fromfile = f; candidates[candidatecount].torow = row; candidates[candidatecount].tofile = file; candidatecount++; // capturing move memcpy(&(candidates[candidatecount]), &(candidates[candidatecount-1]), sizeof(Move)); candidates[candidatecount].capture = 1; candidatecount++; } } } if (threatcount) { *threatcount = 0; } _Bool result = 0; for (int i = 0 ; i < candidatecount ; i++) { if (validate_move_rules(gamestate, &(candidates[i])) == VALID_MOVE_SEMANTICS) { result = 1; if (threats && threatcount) { threats[(*threatcount)++] = candidates[i]; } } } return result; } _Bool is_pinned(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) { uint8_t color = move->piece & COLOR_MASK; uint8_t kingfile = 0, kingrow = 0; for (uint8_t row = 0 ; row < 8 ; row++) { for (uint8_t file = 0 ; file < 8 ; file++) { if (gamestate->board[row][file] == (color|KING)) { kingfile = file; kingrow = row; } } } GameState simulation = gamestate_copy_sim(gamestate); Move simmove = *move; apply_move(&simulation, &simmove); _Bool covered = is_covered(&simulation, kingrow, kingfile, opponent_color(color)); gamestate_cleanup(&simulation); return covered; } _Bool get_real_threats(GameState *gamestate, uint8_t row, uint8_t file, uint8_t color, Move *threats, uint8_t *threatcount) { if (threatcount) { *threatcount = 0; } Move candidates[16]; uint8_t candidatecount; if (get_threats(gamestate, row, file, color, candidates, &candidatecount)) { _Bool result = 0; uint8_t kingfile = 0, kingrow = 0; for (uint8_t row = 0 ; row < 8 ; row++) { for (uint8_t file = 0 ; file < 8 ; file++) { if (gamestate->board[row][file] == (color|KING)) { kingfile = file; kingrow = row; } } } for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < candidatecount ; i++) { GameState simulation = gamestate_copy_sim(gamestate); Move simmove = candidates[i]; apply_move(&simulation, &simmove); if (!is_covered(&simulation, kingrow, kingfile, opponent_color(color))) { result = 1; if (threats && threatcount) { threats[(*threatcount)++] = candidates[i]; } } } return result; } else { return 0; } } static int getlocation(GameState *gamestate, Move *move) { uint8_t color = move->piece & COLOR_MASK; _Bool incheck = gamestate->lastmove?gamestate->lastmove->move.check:0; Move threats[16], *threat = NULL; uint8_t threatcount; if (get_threats(gamestate, move->torow, move->tofile, color, threats, &threatcount)) { int reason = INVALID_POSITION; // find threats for the specified position for (uint8_t i = 0 ; i < threatcount ; i++) { if ((threats[i].piece & (PIECE_MASK | COLOR_MASK)) == move->piece && (move->fromrow == POS_UNSPECIFIED || move->fromrow == threats[i].fromrow) && (move->fromfile == POS_UNSPECIFIED || move->fromfile == threats[i].fromfile)) { if (threat) { return AMBIGUOUS_MOVE; } else { // found threat is no real threat if (is_pinned(gamestate, &(threats[i]))) { reason = incheck?KING_IN_CHECK:PIECE_PINNED; } else { threat = &(threats[i]); } } } } // can't threaten specified position if (!threat) { return reason; } memcpy(move, threat, sizeof(Move)); return VALID_MOVE_SYNTAX; } else { return INVALID_POSITION; } } int eval_move(GameState *gamestate, char *mstr, Move *move, uint8_t color) { memset(move, 0, sizeof(Move)); move->fromfile = POS_UNSPECIFIED; move->fromrow = POS_UNSPECIFIED; size_t len = strlen(mstr); if (len < 1 || len > 6) { return INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX; } /* evaluate check/checkmate flags */ if (mstr[len-1] == '+') { len--; mstr[len] = '\0'; move->check = 1; } else if (mstr[len-1] == '#') { len--; mstr[len] = '\0'; /* ignore - validation should set game state */ } /* evaluate promotion */ if (len > 3 && mstr[len-2] == '=') { move->promotion = getpiece(mstr[len-1]); if (!move->promotion) { return INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX; } else { move->promotion |= color; len -= 2; mstr[len] = 0; } } if (len == 2) { /* pawn move (e.g. "e4") */ move->piece = PAWN; move->tofile = fileidx(mstr[0]); move->torow = rowidx(mstr[1]); } else if (len == 3) { if (strcmp(mstr, "O-O") == 0) { /* king side castling */ move->piece = KING; move->fromfile = fileidx('e'); move->tofile = fileidx('g'); move->fromrow = move->torow = color == WHITE ? 0 : 7; } else { /* move (e.g. "Nf3") */ move->piece = getpiece(mstr[0]); move->tofile = fileidx(mstr[1]); move->torow = rowidx(mstr[2]); } } else if (len == 4) { move->piece = getpiece(mstr[0]); if (!move->piece) { move->piece = PAWN; move->fromfile = fileidx(mstr[0]); } if (mstr[1] == 'x') { /* capture (e.g. "Nxf3", "dxe5") */ move->capture = 1; } else { /* move (e.g. "Ndf3", "N2c3", "e2e4") */ if (isfile(mstr[1])) { move->fromfile = fileidx(mstr[1]); if (move->piece == PAWN) { move->piece = 0; } } else { move->fromrow = rowidx(mstr[1]); } } move->tofile = fileidx(mstr[2]); move->torow = rowidx(mstr[3]); } else if (len == 5) { if (strcmp(mstr, "O-O-O") == 0) { /* queen side castling "O-O-O" */ move->piece = KING; move->fromfile = fileidx('e'); move->tofile = fileidx('c'); move->fromrow = move->torow = color == WHITE ? 0 : 7; } else { move->piece = getpiece(mstr[0]); if (mstr[2] == 'x') { move->capture = 1; if (move->piece) { /* capture (e.g. "Ndxf3") */ move->fromfile = fileidx(mstr[1]); } else { /* long notation capture (e.g. "e5xf6") */ move->piece = PAWN; move->fromfile = fileidx(mstr[0]); move->fromrow = rowidx(mstr[1]); } } else { /* long notation move (e.g. "Nc5a4") */ move->fromfile = fileidx(mstr[1]); move->fromrow = rowidx(mstr[2]); } move->tofile = fileidx(mstr[3]); move->torow = rowidx(mstr[4]); } } else if (len == 6) { /* long notation capture (e.g. "Nc5xf3") */ if (mstr[3] == 'x') { move->capture = 1; move->piece = getpiece(mstr[0]); move->fromfile = fileidx(mstr[1]); move->fromrow = rowidx(mstr[2]); move->tofile = fileidx(mstr[4]); move->torow = rowidx(mstr[5]); } } if (move->piece) { if (move->piece == PAWN && move->torow == (color==WHITE?7:0) && !move->promotion) { return NEED_PROMOTION; } move->piece |= color; if (move->fromfile == POS_UNSPECIFIED || move->fromrow == POS_UNSPECIFIED) { return getlocation(gamestate, move); } else { return chkidx(move) ? VALID_MOVE_SYNTAX : INVALID_POSITION; } } else { return INVALID_MOVE_SYNTAX; } } _Bool is_protected(GameState *gamestate, uint8_t row, uint8_t file, uint8_t color) { Move threats[16]; uint8_t threatcount; if (get_real_threats(gamestate, row, file, color, threats, &threatcount)) { for (int i = 0 ; i < threatcount ; i++) { if (threats[i].piece != (color|KING)) { return 1; } } return 0; } else { return 0; } } uint16_t remaining_movetime(GameInfo *gameinfo, GameState *gamestate, uint8_t color) { if (!gameinfo->timecontrol) { return 0; } if (gamestate->movelist) { uint16_t time = gameinfo->time; suseconds_t micros = 0; MoveList *movelist = color == WHITE ? gamestate->movelist : gamestate->movelist->next; while (movelist) { time += gameinfo->addtime; struct movetimeval *movetime = &(movelist->move.movetime); if (movetime->tv_sec >= time) { return 0; } time -= movetime->tv_sec; micros += movetime->tv_usec; movelist = movelist->next ? movelist->next->next : NULL; } time_t sec; movelist = gamestate->lastmove; if ((movelist->move.piece & COLOR_MASK) != color) { struct movetimeval *lastmovetstamp = &(movelist->move.timestamp); struct timeval currenttstamp; gettimeofday(¤ttstamp, NULL); micros += currenttstamp.tv_usec - lastmovetstamp->tv_usec; sec = currenttstamp.tv_sec - lastmovetstamp->tv_sec; if (sec >= time) { return 0; } time -= sec; } sec = micros / 1e6L; if (sec >= time) { return 0; } time -= sec; return time; } else { return gameinfo->time; } }