
Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:01:27 +0100

Mike Becker <>
Sun, 21 Jan 2024 14:01:27 +0100
changeset 28
parent 1

remove unused cx/list.h include

     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
     3            xmlns=""
     4            targetNamespace=""
     5            elementFormDefault="qualified"
     6            version="0.1"
     7 >
     8     <xs:element name="project" type="ProjectType"/>
    10     <xs:complexType name="ProjectType">
    11         <xs:annotation>
    12             <xs:documentation>
    13                 The root element of an uwproj project.
    14                 Consists of an optional <code>config</code> element
    15                 and an arbitrary number of <code>dependency</code>
    16                 and <code>target</code> elements.
    17             </xs:documentation>
    18         </xs:annotation>
    19         <xs:sequence>
    20             <xs:element name="config" type="ConfigType" minOccurs="0"/>
    21             <xs:element name="dependency" type="DependencyType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    22             <xs:element name="target" type="TargetType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    23         </xs:sequence>
    24     </xs:complexType>
    26     <xs:complexType name="ConfigType">
    27         <xs:annotation>
    28             <xs:documentation>
    29                 The configuration section.
    30                 Consists of an arbitrary number of <code>var</code> elements.
    31             </xs:documentation>
    32         </xs:annotation>
    33         <xs:sequence>
    34             <xs:element name="var" type="ConfigVarType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    35         </xs:sequence>
    36     </xs:complexType>
    38     <xs:complexType name="ConfigVarType">
    39         <xs:annotation>
    40             <xs:documentation>
    41                 The definition of a configuration variable.
    42                 <p>
    43                     Configuration variables are supposed to be used in the configure script and are also
    44                     written to the resulting config file (in contrast to make variables, which are only
    45                     written to the config file).
    46                     The <code>name</code> attribute is mandatory, the value is defined by the text body of the element.
    47                     The optional Boolean <code>exec</code> attribute (false by default) controls, whether the entire
    48                     definition is automatically executed under command substitution.
    49                 </p>
    50             </xs:documentation>
    51         </xs:annotation>
    52         <xs:simpleContent>
    53             <xs:extension base="xs:string">
    54                 <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
    55                 <xs:attribute name="exec" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/>
    56             </xs:extension>
    57         </xs:simpleContent>
    58     </xs:complexType>
    60     <xs:complexType name="PkgConfigType">
    61         <xs:annotation>
    62             <xs:documentation>
    63                 Instructs configure to invoke <code>pkg-config</code>, if present on the system, to determine
    64                 compiler and linker flags. The text body of this element defines the package name to search.
    65                 To constrain the allowed versions, use the attributes <code>atleast, exact, max</code>.
    66             </xs:documentation>
    67         </xs:annotation>
    68         <xs:simpleContent>
    69             <xs:extension base="xs:string">
    70                 <xs:attribute name="atleast" type="xs:string"/>
    71                 <xs:attribute name="exact" type="xs:string"/>
    72                 <xs:attribute name="max" type="xs:string"/>
    73             </xs:extension>
    74         </xs:simpleContent>
    75     </xs:complexType>
    77     <xs:simpleType name="LangType">
    78         <xs:annotation>
    79             <xs:documentation>
    80                 Requests a compiler for the specified language. Allowed values are
    81                 c, cpp.
    82             </xs:documentation>
    83         </xs:annotation>
    84         <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
    85             <xs:enumeration value="c"/>
    86             <xs:enumeration value="cpp"/>
    87         </xs:restriction>
    88     </xs:simpleType>
    90     <xs:complexType name="DependencyType">
    91         <xs:annotation>
    92             <xs:documentation>
    93                 Declares a dependency.
    94                 <p>
    95                     If the optional <code>name</code> attribute is omitted, the dependency is global
    96                     and must be satisfied, otherwise configuration shall fail.
    97                     A <em>named dependency</em> can be referenced by a target (or is implicitly referenced
    98                     by the default target, if no targets are specified).
    99                     Multiple declarations for the same named dependency may exist, in which case each declaration
   100                     is checked one after another, until one block is satisfied. The result of the first satisfied
   101                     dependency declaration is supposed to be applied to the config file.
   102                 </p>
   103                 <p>
   104                     The optional <code>platform</code> attribute may specify a <em>single</em> platform identifier and
   105                     the optional <code>not</code> attribute may specify a comma-separated list of platform identifiers.
   106                     The configure script shall skip this dependency declaration if the detected platform is not
   107                     matching the filter specification of these attributes.
   108                 </p>
   109             </xs:documentation>
   110         </xs:annotation>
   111         <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
   112             <xs:element name="lang" type="LangType"/>
   113             <xs:element name="cflags" type="FlagsType"/>
   114             <xs:element name="cxxflags" type="FlagsType"/>
   115             <xs:element name="ldflags" type="FlagsType"/>
   116             <xs:element name="pkgconfig" type="PkgConfigType"/>
   117             <xs:element name="test" type="xs:string">
   118                 <xs:annotation>
   119                     <xs:documentation>
   120                         Specifies a custom command that shall be executed to test whether this dependency is satisfied.
   121                     </xs:documentation>
   122                 </xs:annotation>
   123             </xs:element>
   124             <xs:element name="make" type="MakeVarType"/>
   125         </xs:choice>
   126         <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string"/>
   127         <xs:attribute name="platform" type="xs:string"/>
   128         <xs:attribute name="not" type="xs:string"/>
   129     </xs:complexType>
   131     <xs:complexType name="FlagsType">
   132         <xs:annotation>
   133             <xs:documentation>
   134                 Instructs configure to append the contents of the element's body to the respective flags variable.
   135                 If the optional <code>exec</code> flag is set to <code>true</code>, the contents are supposed to be
   136                 executed under command substitution <em>at configuration time</em> before they are applied.
   137             </xs:documentation>
   138         </xs:annotation>
   139         <xs:simpleContent>
   140             <xs:extension base="xs:string">
   141                 <xs:attribute name="exec" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/>
   142             </xs:extension>
   143         </xs:simpleContent>
   144     </xs:complexType>
   146     <xs:complexType name="TargetType">
   147         <xs:annotation>
   148             <xs:documentation>
   149                 Declares a build target that is supposed to be configured.
   150                 <p>
   151                     If no build target is declared explicitly, an implicit default
   152                     target is generated, which has the <code>alldependencies</code>
   153                     flag set.
   154                 </p>
   155                 <p>
   156                     The optional <code>name</code> attribute is also used to generate a prefix
   157                     for the compiler and linker flags variables.
   158                     Furthermore, a target may consist of an arbitrary number of <code>feature</code>,
   159                     <code>option</code>, and <code>define</code> elements.
   160                     Named dependencies can be listed (separated by comma) in the <code>dependencies</code>
   161                     element. If this target shall use <em>all</em> available named dependencies, the empty
   162                     element <code>alldependencies</code> can be used as a shortcut.
   163                 </p>
   164             </xs:documentation>
   165         </xs:annotation>
   166         <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
   167             <xs:element name="feature" type="FeatureType"/>
   168             <xs:element name="option" type="OptionType"/>
   169             <xs:element name="define" type="DefineType"/>
   170             <xs:element name="dependencies" type="DependenciesType"/>
   171             <xs:element name="alldependencies">
   172                 <xs:complexType/>
   173             </xs:element>
   174         </xs:choice>
   175         <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string"/>
   176     </xs:complexType>
   178     <xs:complexType name="FeatureType">
   179         <xs:annotation>
   180             <xs:documentation>
   181                 Declares an optional feature, that can be enabled during configuration, if all
   182                 <code>dependencies</code> are satisfied.
   183                 If a feature is enabled, all <code>define</code> and <code>make</code> definitions are
   184                 supposed to be applied to the config file.
   185                 In case the optional <code>default</code> attribute is set to true, the feature is enabled by default
   186                 and is supposed to be automatically disabled (without error) when the dependencies are not satisfied.
   187                 The name that is supposed to be used for the --enable and --disable arguments can be optionally
   188                 specified with the <code>arg</code> attribute. Otherwise, the <code>name</code> is used by default.
   189             </xs:documentation>
   190         </xs:annotation>
   191         <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
   192             <xs:group ref="TargetDataGroup"/>
   193         </xs:choice>
   194         <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
   195         <xs:attribute name="arg" type="xs:string"/>
   196         <xs:attribute name="default" type="xs:boolean" default="false"/>
   197     </xs:complexType>
   199     <xs:complexType name="OptionType">
   200         <xs:annotation>
   201             <xs:documentation>
   202                 Declares a configuration option.
   203                 The option argument name is specified with the <code>arg</code> attribute.
   204                 Then, the children of this element specify possible <code>values</code> by defining the conditions
   205                 (in terms of dependencies) and effects (in terms of defines and make variables) of each value.
   206                 Finally, a set of <code>default</code>s is specified which supposed to automagically select the most
   207                 appropriate value for a specific platform under the available dependencies (in case the option is not
   208                 explicitly specified by using the command line argument).
   209             </xs:documentation>
   210         </xs:annotation>
   211         <xs:sequence>
   212             <xs:element name="value" type="OptionValueType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   213             <xs:element name="default" type="OptionDefaultType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   214         </xs:sequence>
   215         <xs:attribute name="arg" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
   216     </xs:complexType>
   218     <xs:complexType name="OptionValueType">
   219         <xs:annotation>
   220             <xs:documentation>
   221                 Declares a possible value for the option (in the <code>str</code> attribute) and
   222                 the conditions (<code>dependencies</code>) and effects, the value has.
   223             </xs:documentation>
   224         </xs:annotation>
   225         <xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
   226             <xs:group ref="TargetDataGroup"/>
   227         </xs:choice>
   228         <xs:attribute name="str" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
   229     </xs:complexType>
   231     <xs:complexType name="OptionDefaultType">
   232         <xs:annotation>
   233             <xs:documentation>
   234                 Specifies a default value for this option. Multiple default values can be specified, in which case
   235                 they are checked one after another for availability. With the optional <code>platform</code> attribute,
   236                 the default value can be constrained to a <em>single</em> specific platform and is supposed to be
   237                 skipped by configure, when this platform is not detected.
   238             </xs:documentation>
   239         </xs:annotation>
   240         <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
   241         <xs:attribute name="platform" type="xs:string"/>
   242     </xs:complexType>
   244     <xs:group name="TargetDataGroup">
   245         <xs:choice>
   246             <xs:element name="define" type="DefineType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   247             <xs:element name="dependencies" type="DependenciesType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   248             <xs:element name="make" type="MakeVarType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
   249         </xs:choice>
   250     </xs:group>
   252     <xs:complexType name="DefineType">
   253         <xs:annotation>
   254             <xs:documentation>
   255                 Specifies C/C++ pre-processor definitions that are supposed to
   256                 be appended to the compiler flags, if supported.
   257                 (Note: for example, Fortran also supports C/C++ style pre-processor definitions under
   258                 certain circumstances)
   259             </xs:documentation>
   260         </xs:annotation>
   261         <xs:attribute name="name" type="xs:string" use="required"/>
   262         <xs:attribute name="value" type="xs:string"/>
   263     </xs:complexType>
   265     <xs:simpleType name="DependenciesType">
   266         <xs:annotation>
   267             <xs:documentation>A comma-separated list of named dependencies.</xs:documentation>
   268         </xs:annotation>
   269         <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
   270     </xs:simpleType>
   272     <xs:simpleType name="MakeVarType">
   273         <xs:annotation>
   274             <xs:documentation>
   275                 The text contents in the body of this element are supposed to be appended literally
   276                 to the config file without prior processing.
   277             </xs:documentation>
   278         </xs:annotation>
   279         <xs:restriction base="xs:string"/>
   280     </xs:simpleType>
   281 </xs:schema>
