
Sun, 29 Oct 2017 13:35:43 +0100

Sun, 29 Oct 2017 13:35:43 +0100
changeset 3
parent 2

switched to tomcat 8.5 (should be developed this way for maximum compatibility)

-- Create a database owner role, which has no login permissions.
-- You can either:
--   1) login as default user and switch the user
--   2) decide to override this decision and give login permissions
--   3) use your superuser of choice to manage the database (not recommended!)
create role lightpit_dbo with password 'lpit_dbo_changeme';

-- Create the actual (unprivileged) database user
create user lightpit_user with password 'lpit_user_changeme';

-- Create the LightPIT schema
create schema lightpit authorization lightpit_dbo;

-- Grant basic privileges to user (the granting user must be the dbo)
alter default privileges for role lightpit_dbo in schema lightpit
    grant select, insert, update, delete on tables to lightpit_user;
alter default privileges for role lightpit_dbo in schema lightpit
    grant usage, select on sequences to lightpit_user;
alter default privileges for role lightpit_dbo in schema lightpit
    grant execute on functions to lightpit_user;
alter default privileges for role lightpit_dbo in schema lightpit
    grant usage on types to lightpit_user;
