
Thu, 22 Oct 2020 11:06:15 +0200

Mike Becker <>
Thu, 22 Oct 2020 11:06:15 +0200
changeset 136
parent 128
child 138

automatic assignment of component lead (if available) - fixes #28

     1 -- This script creates the module management tables
     2 --
     4 create table lpit_user (
     5     userid          serial          primary key,
     6     username        varchar(50)     not null unique,
     7     mail            varchar(50),
     8     lastname        varchar(50),
     9     givenname       varchar(50)
    10 );
    12 create table lpit_project (
    13     projectid       serial          primary key,
    14     name            varchar(20)     not null unique,
    15     description     varchar(200),
    16     repoUrl         varchar(50),
    17     owner           integer         references lpit_user(userid)
    18 );
    20 create type version_status as enum (
    21     'Future',
    22     'Unreleased',
    23     'Released',
    24     'LTS',
    25     'Deprecated'
    26 );
    28 create table lpit_version (
    29     versionid       serial          primary key,
    30     project         integer         not null references lpit_project(projectid),
    31     name            varchar(20)     not null,
    32     ordinal         integer         not null default 0,
    33     status          version_status  not null default 'Future'
    34 );
    37 create table lpit_component (
    38     id              serial          primary key,
    39     project         integer         not null references lpit_project(projectid),
    40     name            varchar(20)     not null,
    41     color           char(6)         not null default '000000',
    42     ordinal         integer         not null default 0,
    43     description     text,
    44     lead            integer         references lpit_user(userid)
    45 );
    47 create type issue_status as enum (
    48     'InSpecification',
    49     'ToDo',
    50     'Scheduled',
    51     'InProgress',
    52     'InReview',
    53     'Done',
    54     'Rejected',
    55     'Withdrawn',
    56     'Duplicate'
    57 );
    59 create type issue_category as enum (
    60     'Feature',
    61     'Improvement',
    62     'Bug',
    63     'Task',
    64     'Test'
    65 );
    67 create table lpit_issue_phases (
    68     status          issue_status    primary key,
    69     phase           integer         not null
    70 );
    72 create table lpit_issue (
    73     issueid         serial          primary key,
    74     project         integer         not null references lpit_project(projectid),
    75     component       integer         references lpit_component(id),
    76     status          issue_status    not null default 'InSpecification',
    77     category        issue_category  not null default 'Feature',
    78     subject         varchar(200)    not null,
    79     description     text,
    80     assignee        integer         references lpit_user(userid),
    81     created         timestamp       with time zone not null default now(),
    82     updated         timestamp       with time zone not null default now(),
    83     eta             date
    84 );
    86 create table lpit_issue_affected_version (
    87     issueid         integer         references lpit_issue(issueid),
    88     versionid       integer         references lpit_version(versionid),
    89     primary key (issueid, versionid)
    90 );
    92 create table lpit_issue_resolved_version (
    93     issueid         integer         references lpit_issue(issueid),
    94     versionid       integer         references lpit_version(versionid),
    95     primary key (issueid, versionid)
    96 );
    98 create table lpit_issue_comment (
    99     commentid       serial          primary key,
   100     issueid         integer         not null references lpit_issue(issueid),
   101     userid          integer         references lpit_user(userid),
   102     created         timestamp       with time zone not null default now(),
   103     updated         timestamp       with time zone not null default now(),
   104     updatecount     integer         not null default 0,
   105     comment         text            not null
   106 );
