
changeset 311
parent 292
child 321
--- a/src/main/kotlin/de/uapcore/lightpit/dao/PostgresDataAccessObject.kt	Mon Aug 05 17:41:56 2024 +0200
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/de/uapcore/lightpit/dao/PostgresDataAccessObject.kt	Mon Aug 05 18:40:47 2024 +0200
@@ -550,6 +550,12 @@
         return i
+    override fun listIssues(includeDone: Boolean): List<Issue> =
+        withStatement("$issueQuery where (? or phase < 2)") {
+            setBoolean(1, includeDone)
+            queryAll { it.extractIssue() }
+        }
     override fun listIssues(project: Project, includeDone: Boolean): List<Issue> =
         withStatement("$issueQuery where i.project = ? and (? or phase < 2)") {
@@ -713,17 +719,24 @@
     override fun getIssueRelationMap(project: Project, includeDone: Boolean): IssueRelationMap =
+        getIssueRelationMapImpl(project, includeDone)
+    override fun getIssueRelationMap(includeDone: Boolean): IssueRelationMap =
+        getIssueRelationMapImpl(null, includeDone)
+    private fun getIssueRelationMapImpl(project: Project?, includeDone: Boolean): IssueRelationMap =
                 select r.from_issue, r.to_issue, r.type
                 from lpit_issue_relation r
                 join lpit_issue i on i.issueid = r.from_issue
                 join lpit_issue_phases p on i.status = p.status
-                where i.project = ? and (? or p.phase < 2)
+                where (? or i.project = ?) and (? or p.phase < 2)
         ) {
-            setInt(1,
-            setBoolean(2, includeDone)
+            setBoolean(1, project == null)
+            setInt(2, project?.id ?: 0)
+            setBoolean(3, includeDone)
             queryAll { Pair(it.getInt("from_issue"), Pair(it.getInt("to_issue"), it.getEnum<RelationType>("type"))) }
@@ -804,24 +817,27 @@
     //<editor-fold desc="Issue History">
-    override fun listIssueHistory(projectId: Int, days: Int) =
+    override fun listIssueHistory(project: Project?, days: Int) =
-                select u.username as current_assignee, evt.*, evtdata.*
+                select as project_name, u.username as current_assignee, evt.*, evtdata.*
                 from lpit_issue_history_event evt
                 join lpit_issue issue using (issueid)
+                join lpit_project p on project = p.projectid 
                 left join lpit_user u on u.userid = issue.assignee
                 join lpit_issue_history_data evtdata using (eventid)
-                where project = ?
+                where (? or project = ?)
                 and time > now() - (? * interval '1' day) 
                 order by time desc
         ) {
-            setInt(1, projectId)
-            setInt(2, days)
+            setBoolean(1, project == null)
+            setInt(2, project?.id ?: -1)
+            setInt(3, days)
             queryAll { rs->
                 with(rs) {
+                        project = getString("project_name"),
                         subject = getString("subject"),
                         time = getTimestamp("time"),
                         type = getEnum("type"),
@@ -840,7 +856,7 @@
-    override fun listIssueCommentHistory(projectId: Int, days: Int) =
+    override fun listIssueCommentHistory(project: Project?, days: Int) =
                 select u.username as current_assignee, evt.*, evtdata.*
@@ -848,13 +864,14 @@
                 join lpit_issue issue using (issueid)
                 left join lpit_user u on u.userid = issue.assignee
                 join lpit_issue_comment_history evtdata using (eventid)
-                where project = ?
+                where (? or project = ?)
                 and time > now() - (? * interval '1' day) 
                 order by time desc
         ) {
-            setInt(1, projectId)
-            setInt(2, days)
+            setBoolean(1, project == null)
+            setInt(2, project?.id ?: -1)
+            setInt(3, days)
             queryAll { rs->
                 with(rs) {
