41 button.project.details=Project Details |
41 button.project.details=Project Details |
42 button.project.edit=Edit Project |
42 button.project.edit=Edit Project |
43 button.remove=Remove |
43 button.remove=Remove |
44 button.save=Save |
44 button.save=Save |
45 button.user.create=Add Developer |
45 button.user.create=Add Developer |
46 button.variant.create=New Variant |
46 button.version.create=New Version |
47 button.version.create=New Version |
47 button.version.edit=Edit Version |
48 button.version.edit=Edit Version |
48 commit.redirect-link=If redirection does not work, click the following link: |
49 commit.redirect-link=If redirection does not work, click the following link: |
49 commit.success=Operation successful - you will be redirected in a second. |
50 commit.success=Operation successful - you will be redirected in a second. |
50 component.active=Active |
51 component.active=Active |
173 user.mail=E-Mail |
174 user.mail=E-Mail |
174 username=User Name |
175 username=User Name |
175 validation.date.format=Illegal date format. |
176 validation.date.format=Illegal date format. |
176 validation.username.null=Username is mandatory. |
177 validation.username.null=Username is mandatory. |
177 validation.username.unique=Username is already taken. |
178 validation.username.unique=Username is already taken. |
179 variant.active=Active |
180 variant.color=Color |
181 variant=Variant |
178 version.eol=End of Life |
182 version.eol=End of Life |
179 version.latest=Latest Version |
183 version.latest=Latest Version |
180 version.next=Next Version |
184 version.next=Next Version |
181 version.release=Release |
185 version.release=Release |
182 version.status.Deprecated=Deprecated |
186 version.status.Deprecated=Deprecated |